New member
- yardwork/weeder: can't imagine anyone paid me for this, I worked so slowly
- babysitter: started this for neighbors when I was 9 -- don't think anyone would allow this today -- I was done with babysitting when most kids were just starting
- Lifeguard/watersafety & swim instructor -- did this for 6 summers at a private lake, more fun than most jobs since
- Clothing retail sales/cashier
- Office worker at university fund raising office -- work/study gig
- Research analyst for vehicle routing software startup
- Information manager at industrial automation consulting firm
- Sr. Systems engineer/consultant designing and installing networks -- best job for me, traveled the world, learned stuff everyday, worked insane hours, totally fun for 7 years
- IT Manager for a mobile healthcare service provider
- IT Director for several financial services companies -- some great experiences, some grueling which made me pretty burnt out from dealing with layoffs, cost savings and outsourcing for too many years
- IT Management Consultant -- being self employed for the last few years has worked well in that it allows me skiing/playing time as I need/want it while still earning a decent living.