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Dumping on N(backspace)H


Active member
Feb 22, 2005
North Reading, Mass.
So we dumped on NJ enough. How about dumping on NH today? It's only one letter different? :cool:

Allow me to start.

I have always found it curious that NH has made it very convenient to purchase booze alongside the major thoroughfares. How come I never see booze concessions at the rest areas in other states? I know the answer, I'm just hankering to pull some chains today.

Then we could talk about fireworks sales and smuggling...

Is that why the state motto is "Drive Free And Die"? 8)


Staff member
Jun 4, 2004
NEK by Birth
Are you making fun of the "Texas of New England?" And don't get us started on how wonderful Massachusetts is.... :roll:


Active member
Nov 11, 2004
SW Connecticut
Are you making fun of the "Texas of New England?" And don't get us started on how wonderful Massachusetts is.... :roll:

What does that make Vermont? Or Maine?
Actually, I think Maine may be more like Texas- huge, empty, and generally not concerned with what anyone else thinks. Just not as many steers.


Staff member
Mar 6, 2005
Southeast NH
So we dumped on NJ enough. How about dumping on NH today? It's only one letter different? :cool:

Allow me to start.

I have always found it curious that NH has made it very convenient to purchase booze alongside the major thoroughfares. How come I never see booze concessions at the rest areas in other states? I know the answer, I'm just hankering to pull some chains today.

Then we could talk about fireworks sales and smuggling...

Is that why the state motto is "Drive Free And Die"? 8)

Maine police this summer actually did stake out's outside of NH fireworks stores, followed customers with Maine plates and pull them over when they crossed the boarder into Maine :roll:

I personally think they should build even more rest area / liquor stores in the state. Anything the state can do to capture out of state revenue passing through and help to lower property taxes is a good thing in my book. Maybe throw a couple brothels up next to them as well :lol:


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2004
South Dartmouth, Ma
This was in the Boston Globe a decade ago. A classic....

Vermont vs. New Hampshire

By Mike Barnicle
The Boston Globe
Recently, I had the opportunity to visit Vermont and New Hampshire. My trips again reminded me of the incredible differences between two states many assume are similar.

On paper, according to the census, they appear to be a match: Vermont has half a million people, making it 49th of 50 states in population. The median age for residents is 33. It is 98 percent while and has a 5 percent unemployment rate.

New Hampshire has about a million residents. That places it 40th in rank. It, too, is 98 percent white and also has an unemplyment rate lingering around 5 percent.

This proves beyond doubt that statistics are stupid. As a matter of fact, two states could no be more different.

Vermont is a beautiful place, a postcard. New Hampshire looks like Arkansas with snow.

Vermont was home to Abe Lincoln's son and the von Trapp family. New Hampshire gave us the lunatic publisher Loeb, the theif Sherman Adams, athe perposterous Sununu and a member of the Manson gang.

Vermont passed a Clean Air act before the environment became trendy. New Hampshire wrote a constitutional amendment raising the IQ of its citizens by 50 points so they could communicate with their house pets.

Vermont has several nifty towns like Brattleboro and Montpelier. New Hamshire's largest city - Manchester - has a main street that concludes in a dead end.

First thing you see when cross into Vermont is spectactular foliage and sprawling valleys that recede into picturesque, rolling hills. First thing you see in New Hampshire is a toll booth where the attendent is stumped making change for a $5 bill, followe d by a state liquor store.

They speak English in Vermont. They speak a contorted form of gibberish in New Hampshire, saying things like "Geez-o crow, look 'hup the street, the soldiers are marching down."

Vermont has a lots of extremely attractive women. In New Hampshire, the best looking femals are those who trim their mustaches.

Vermont is a mecca for tourists. New Hampshire attracts illiterate ice-fishermen and motorcycle gangs.

Vermont has two capable United States senators. New Hampshire has Judd Gregg, a complete dope who won the 1993 Anthony Perkins "Psycho" look-alike contest and took great pride in the fact he tried to take a dying woman's money after shw put a down payment on his property and then tried to get it back after she contracted cancer. When Gregg announced for the Senate, they coined the phrase, "The sap is running."

On Saturday evenings in Vermont, residents go out to eat or stay home to listen to that boring screwball on National Public Radio. Saturday nights in New Hampshire there is a debate over whether to bathe for the week ahead.

Vermont has a lot of people who moved from Massachussetts and New York to escape the rat race. New Hampshire has thousands who moved in out of pure selfishness, to avoid taxes or doing anything that might help a neighbor.

In Vermont, if you get sick the take you to a hosptial. In New Hampshire, if you become ill, old or infirm they use you for fertilizer or target practice.

In Vermont, people sometimes complain about the cold of winter or the mud in the spring. In New Hampshire, the most common complaint is the sheep either hav a headache or they lie.

To be fair, New Hampshire does have some good points. Areas like Portsmouth, Keene and Peterborough and places like Dartmouth and Durham get a special exemption beacuse they don't fit in with the rest of the state. In addition, New Hampshire has a lot of funerals.

Vermont is called the "Green Mountain State." New Hampshire has "Live Free or Die" on its license plates and the Legislature would actually prefer three of the words tbe removed so the slogan would simply read, "Die."

Vermonters are urbane and fashionable in a rural-chic way. Granite State natives are a mentally-challenged lot of easily confused white people who think buildings with elevators qualify as tourist attractions and spend enormous amounts of money in tattoo parlors or gun stores.

When people from Vermont take a vacation, they travel to spots like Yellowstone Park or Sanibel Island. In New Hampshire, they get in their snowmobiles or speed boats and go to motels to take pictures of indoor plumbing.

Vermont is comfortable and progressive. New Hampshire is home to oddballs in Day-Glo hast, with a deer tossed on top of their truck who pride themselves in being sour, stingy sociopaths who revel in the economic misery of others.

Vermont is New England. In New Hampshire, even in the Old Man of the Mountains wants out.
Aug 23, 2007
It would be nice if they moved NH a little closer to PA..maybe stick it where Connecticut is and put Connecticut up there..then Wildcat and Cannon wouldn't be 8 hour drives..


Active member
Nov 11, 2004
SW Connecticut
"New Hampshire looks like Arkansas with snow."

Hey! That's, well, not entirely innacurate. At least Arkansas did generate a 2-term President and a couple of strong contenders. But, that's balanced by Orville Faubus.

"In New Hampshire, the most common complaint is the sheep either hav a headache or they lie."

I had no idea Marc was from NH.


Staff member
Mar 6, 2005
Southeast NH
I guess if I had to say what I like about New Hampshire the most is that it is right next door to Maine, Vermont and Massachusetts.

Skiing in Vermont is better....Maine arguably as well
Beaches in Maine are better....Massachusetts as well
Mass has Boston, which I love.

That said as a working adult, I have no desire to live in VT, been there, done that, too much of a struggle financially. I also couldn't stand living in VT during the spring and fall off seasons as outside of Burlington there really seemed like nothing to do.

I do not want to live in Maine, been there, done that, cost of goods and taxes are ridiculous

I do not want to live in Mass, too much traffic, housing prices are ridiculous, taxes as well

...so, New Hampshire is a winner. Within a short drive, I can enjoy all the benefits of these other states, avoid the things I dislike and live in a place which has some of the lowest state levied financial burden on its citizens, yet still offers reasonably good services.


Active member
Nov 11, 2004
SW Connecticut
...so, New Hampshire is a winner. Within a short drive, I can enjoy all the benefits of these other states, avoid the things I dislike and live in a place which has some of the lowest state levied financial burden on its citizens, yet still offers reasonably good services.

So, New Hampshire's slogan should be something like "New Hampshire, not all that bad, and pretty close to some good stuff."


Active member
Oct 1, 2008
I spent a lot of summers on Lake Winnipesaukee. Lots of good memories of New Hampshire.


New member
Apr 2, 2006
North Woodstock, NH
Been a resident of NH for about eight years now. Grew up in suburbia Boston, MA and at one point lived just down the road from Fenway Park for some years, and lived in MW for the others. I was lucky at a young age to be introduced to the mountains of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. Beautiful to look at, fun to hike, great to ski, but there was something about the White Mountains that made me want to live here...... and it is cheaper from other places I have lived, except my 'playground' is just up the road.

It is what you make of it, I work two jobs that are lucrative for me. I have three days off a week. Still, friends/family at home ask why I moved here. Most of the time I reply, 'Was vacation last summer fun'? They spend it in the White Mountains, as well as ski weekends and vacations. Now as I think of it, people from here have asked me the same thing!

Just recently I purchased an acre and a half in town, and this Spring my house will start going up complete with a big deck with outside kitchen, view of the south side of Loon Mountain, and will be complete by the 4th of July, knock on wood loudly.

Plus, everything DHS posted, in only a couple of hours you can be at some of the best places New England can offer. Just wish the liquor store in North Woodstock stayed open a little later than 6! ;-)


New member
Feb 7, 2004
So, New Hampshire's slogan should be something like "New Hampshire, not all that bad, and pretty close to some good stuff."
Love it! :lol:

We used to visit the White Mtns pretty much annually, honeymooned up there, all that jazz. Thought for a while we wanted to move to the North Woodstock area someday. My cousin actually married a Mainer and they moved to Jackson, NH (town of what, 500 people?) (she's from CT, BTW, and my source of insider info on moving there).

Then we visited VT.

And now we want to live in the MRV.

'Nuff said. ;)