New member
Hit Elk for a Sunday morning session. They probably picked up 6" from Friday's storm. Groomers were in great shape. Beautiful blue sky all morning despite predictions of clouds and freezing rain. Tunk needs more snow, as the bumps were soft, but the troughs were rock hard. 10-20" wide patches of yellow cement in some spots. I took a couple spills on the top section since a) I'm not very good in the bumps, and 2) could use some edge sharpening. They need to hit it hard with the guns. Run of the day was ungroomed Mohawk. Good size bumps, virtually no ice anywhere on the trail. Decent crowd, but never a wait for a chair. Ride home was white knuckle due to freezing rain and took longer than usual due to multiple accidents.
Bumps on Mohawk
Bumps on Mohawk