New member
Date(s) Skied: Feb 6 2011
Resort or Ski Area: Elk Mountain
Conditions: Firm and fast. Softened up in the afternoon.
Trip Report: At a street fair in October, I had entered my name in a contest for a free ski trip with the Watchung Area Ski Club. Well I won, and I decided that I'd go with them on a their trip to Elk Mountain, PA.
I've always wanted to go to Elk, but the drive makes it hard to justify. Since I'm not driving, why not? Turned out to be a great day.
I left home at 5:30 to meet the bus. I had a quick safety meeting in the parking lot, then went to go find the club president. After introducing myself, I took a seat on the bus. Once on the way, they started passing out plates and cups. Next thing I know, I've got a cup of coffee, an egg & ham burrito, bagel and banana. Stellar.
After getting booted up and waiting for the ski club folks to get assembled, we get ready to head up when 4aprice comes and introduces himself to me. So we head up, and wait for the ski club up top. 1st run of the day was Delaware, which was really fast and nice, but I got separated from the ski club already. Waited up for them at the top and 4Aprice went to go see his kids race. Did Seneca from the cut-through by the fence which was nice and soft, 3"-4" of a firm new snow.
On the next ride up, I rode with the president of the ski club, and told him that I wanted to go check out the west side. The rest of the club decided "why not". So I did a few more runs with them but they were kinda slowing me down. Not that they weren't fast, but they have a redundant stop in their skiing habits, where they all wait up for each other at the bottom, and then re-assemble again once everyone gets to the top.
So I skied solo on the west side for a while and had such a great time. Conditions were firm and fast, perfect for carving rails all day. 4aprice found me again and we lapped the quad for a while after another safety meeting.
Liftlines were non-existant
Run of the day
Resort or Ski Area: Elk Mountain
Conditions: Firm and fast. Softened up in the afternoon.
Trip Report: At a street fair in October, I had entered my name in a contest for a free ski trip with the Watchung Area Ski Club. Well I won, and I decided that I'd go with them on a their trip to Elk Mountain, PA.
I've always wanted to go to Elk, but the drive makes it hard to justify. Since I'm not driving, why not? Turned out to be a great day.
I left home at 5:30 to meet the bus. I had a quick safety meeting in the parking lot, then went to go find the club president. After introducing myself, I took a seat on the bus. Once on the way, they started passing out plates and cups. Next thing I know, I've got a cup of coffee, an egg & ham burrito, bagel and banana. Stellar.

After getting booted up and waiting for the ski club folks to get assembled, we get ready to head up when 4aprice comes and introduces himself to me. So we head up, and wait for the ski club up top. 1st run of the day was Delaware, which was really fast and nice, but I got separated from the ski club already. Waited up for them at the top and 4Aprice went to go see his kids race. Did Seneca from the cut-through by the fence which was nice and soft, 3"-4" of a firm new snow.
On the next ride up, I rode with the president of the ski club, and told him that I wanted to go check out the west side. The rest of the club decided "why not". So I did a few more runs with them but they were kinda slowing me down. Not that they weren't fast, but they have a redundant stop in their skiing habits, where they all wait up for each other at the bottom, and then re-assemble again once everyone gets to the top.
So I skied solo on the west side for a while and had such a great time. Conditions were firm and fast, perfect for carving rails all day. 4aprice found me again and we lapped the quad for a while after another safety meeting.
Liftlines were non-existant
Run of the day