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Gore Mountain - 3/16/2007


Staff member
Jul 1, 2001
Date(s) Skied: Friday, 3/16/2007, 9:20 am - 2:50 pm

Resort or Ski Area: Gore Mountain, North Creek, NY

Conditions: Frozen granular, ice, hardpack and LSGR late. Cloudy, temps in the teen's/20's, light winds.

Trip Report: The plan today was to head up and check out Gore Mountain with bvibert, JimG., and highpeaksrifter. Knowing we were a day early and that we would be driving home into the storm, I felt pretty uninspired. Had I not been skiing with other AZers and at a new mountain, I would probably have bagged it. Staying positive, we went for it and I picked up Brian shortly before 6 am. We picked up HPD around 7:50 and headed to the mountain; pulling in a bit before 9 am. JimG. was already there.

The surface was as expected, rock hard frozen granular. Things were initially going along fine and we had a great run on a groomed Lies. HPD and I were then waiting for the other two at the summit quad and were curious as to why Jim and Brian were not with us. Eventually they showed and I saw Brian skiing tentatively with his hand to his face and Jim carrying his poles. Apparently he wiped out on some death cookies and face planted on a very unforgiving surface. Poor Brian. He was the recipient of some light ribbing as a result for the rest of the day.

We skied over to the Top Ridge Triple to get Brian out of that area and to first aid. We skied up and the chair was stopped. Apparently some major power outage which kept the lifts down for probably 30 minutes+. We decided to have ski patrol called to check Brian out who cleaned him up. A few punctures and some pretty fat lips, but no lost teeth or stiches needed, despite a fair amount of bleeding. Once the lifts started spinning we decided to just head in for an early lunch around 11:15.

Brian cleaned himself up and we had a leisurely lunch. The surface wasn't really worth rushing for. After lunch HPD gave us the rest of the tour. Props to Brian for heading back out. The only trails opened were the ones that were groomed. Anything ungroomed was unskiable. The runs on the Straightbrook area look great and must be awesome with some good snow. HPD showed us all the major areas and where all the good stuff is, namely the glades and the liftlines. We marveled at all the amusement park-like trail signs. Some of the terrain at Gore looks fantastic. HPD called it one of the Northeast's most underrated mountains and I'd have to agree based on how the expert terrain looked. This place is without a doubt worth a revisit with some better conditions. Lies was run of the day. It skied great early on with some very edgeable granular snow.

The ride home was interesting. We hit snow just as we got on 87 and took note of many spin-outs including a Jeep Liberty on its roof. By the time we dropped off HPD, there was 2-3" accumulated in his town. Brian and I pressed on and spent a frustrating hour getting through a snowy Albany, NY. Route 90 was okay and it was very passable once it became the Mass Pike. Route 8 through the southern Berkshires wasn't as bed as we expected, and soon after entering CT, the snow changed to sleet. I came home to a driveway that was 80% snow blown (I have a great wife! :) ). Pulled in around 8:50.

The ride to Gore took just over 3 hours and that included stops to pick up Brian and Skip. The terrain at Gore is definitely worth that drive when the conditinos are better. The drive home? Over 5 1/2 hours! :blink: Good company made it bearable. All in all, an interesting day. Worth it if only to check out a new mountain. Thanks for showing us around, Skip! :beer: It's 20*F right now and the sleet is slamming the front of my house. Very reminiscent of the V-day storm. Hope the North country does well...
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Well-known member
Nov 27, 2005
Glad you finnally made it up, but sucks about the conditions you had. Gore really is a great little mtn, and definately totally underrated. Did you make it over to the darkside? That place is pure heaven with good snow, but I dont think they groom much over there so it might have been out of the cards today.


Staff member
Jul 1, 2001
Glad you finnally made it up, but sucks about the conditions you had. Gore really is a great little mtn, and definately totally underrated. Did you make it over to the darkside? That place is pure heaven with good snow, but I dont think they groom much over there so it might have been out of the cards today.

That black double was running so we rode through that area. Most of the stuff over there was roped. The trail called Upper Darby looked AWESOME from what we could see. Nice and narrow. Again, we were a day early. Gotta get back up there.


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2005
Yeah Darby is a great trail. Darkside glades as well as Steilhang over there are awesome as well.


Staff member
Aug 30, 2004
Torrington, CT
It was nice to see a new mountain. Now I know that I definitely want to return when there are better snow conditions. I also found out why they call them Death Cookies.. :( I didn't take too many pictures and no video to speak of. Here's a what I got...

Nice view:

Will people think I'm more core if I have blood splatters on my skis? :dunce:

This is what I looked like when I got home, luckily the swelling had gone down a bit by then.

I know it's not a really gnarly injury, but it's my first real ski related one. Can you believe that ski patrol wanted to know if I wanted a sled ride down for that??


New member
Nov 10, 2005
Feel better B. I'm guessing it looks worse than it feels.


Staff member
Jul 1, 2001
This is what I looked like when I got home, luckily the swelling had gone down a bit by then.

I know it's not a really gnarly injury, but it's my first real ski related one. Can you believe that ski patrol wanted to know if I wanted a sled ride down for that??

New avatar? :blink:

It looked more impressive soon after it happened with you goatee all blood soaked. Hope you're feeling better...


Staff member
Aug 30, 2004
Torrington, CT
Thanks guys, it doesn't really feel bad at all anymore. The swelling has gone down a lot already...

Wish I'd thought to take some pics with the blood soaked goatee, that would have been bad ass. :)

David Metsky

New member
Jul 29, 2001
Somerville, MA
I skied Gore on Sat and Sun, and had much different conditions then you. :) I waited out the storm in Boston, then headed out Saturday morning, arriving at Gore in just in time to buy a half day and was on the Gondola at 12:35.

I headed up to the Straighbrook quad. There was about a foot of fresh snow and I picked Chatiemac at random and headed down that. I headed into the Straightbrook Glades and found them to be nice, it somewhat limited in cover. The second run I found some other telemarkers who took me into the woods well above Chatiemac Glades and we had a fine time, eventually dropping into the official glades down lower. There were plenty of untracked lines in some fairly tight woods, excellent skiing.

I had to meet my sister and BIL down the base of the gondola at 2:00 so I sped down there from the top of the Topridge Triple as fast as I could. A top to bottom run of the Gondola really made me feel my legs. We went up and did two more runs on the Triple including the Twister Glades before calling it a day.

Sunday we got to the mountain before 8:00 and I skied a full day. First run was off the Triple, straight down a freshly groomed Showcase for a fast warmup. Then we skied a few runs on Straightbrook and found nice soft bumps on Hawkeye that were a fine workout. At some point we skied the Pinebrook Glades off Pine Knot, and eventually head down Upper Steilhang and ended up at the Saddle Lodge for a hot cocoa. After that we skied Sleeping Bear and spent some time on the North Quad. The snow was still mostly untouched over there, lots of great lines on fairly mellow terrain. After a run on the High Peaks Double my sister and BIL took off (12:30) for home and I took a few more runs on the North Quad before breaking for lunch.

After lunch I spent time on the Double, then hit Lies (eh, no bit deal, the top of Rumor was closed) and back into the woods off Chatiemac. Still found untracked lines 48 hours after the snowfall! Two final runs on the Adirondak Express Triple finished the day for me. My legs were shot and the snow was getting a little heavy. The afternoon had cleared off and the views of the Daks were impressive.

My impression of Gore was very favorable. Very few lift lines, good terrain and nice glades, no excessive grooming, and lots of telemarkers. What's not to love? Since Sis is getting a place up there, I'll be back next year.



Staff member
Aug 30, 2004
Torrington, CT
Sounds like you had a good time Dave. I knew we were going to miss it by a day... :(


Staff member
Oct 29, 2004
Hopewell Jct., NY
Yeah, B took a body slam alright. Ugly to watch, and I knew he was going to get up with a bloody mouth. Lucky he didn't lose any teeth. Gave him a piece of ice immediately because he was dripping blood. At least the wife got a nice big smootch when he got home.

So, the conditions at Gore on Friday were officially listed as "Brian-proof".

I want to give props to the NYS thruway authority who had plows out full force and who got me home in just under 4 1/2 hours which I consider amazing.

Conditions at Hunter on Sat and Sun were from a different world.