Well-known member
Date(s) Skied: Jan 10, 2010
Resort or Ski Area: Gunstock
Conditions: Cold, Packed Powder, Machine Groomed..
Trip Report: So far this season, I haven't had much time to ski. So it felt good to get out for this one. I hope to make up for lost time starting with Gunstock! Was suppose to head further north, but overslept due to working a lot lately!
Got to the mountain around 9:30. Took a spin up the Summit Quad.. Beautiful blue bird day, although colder then hell! First skied Gunsmoke to the pistol complex, and down side arm to grab something out of my car in the pistol lot. Road the Pistol Triple up and then down Shotgun. Beautiful powder stashes to be found still! Next back up the Summit Quad to upper, middle and lower Trigger. Quite possibly the run of the day. Next was Flintrock, which was left ungroomed... Wasn't bad, but boy it was quite variable in condition. From flintrock made my way down redhat, which was almost frozen granular like. Took the tiger triple back up and next up was Cannonball... Carving on it was sweet as sugar. From there Took a few runs on phelps and smith, and returned back up to the summit, where they dropped the ropes on Upper Ramrod. All Powder, and very little tracked through. It's a shame they don't recut the middle part of the trail because that would be a lot of fun skiing into trigger from there. Finished up the day with a few more runs on out of sight and pistol. All in all a great day on the snow.
Resort or Ski Area: Gunstock
Conditions: Cold, Packed Powder, Machine Groomed..
Trip Report: So far this season, I haven't had much time to ski. So it felt good to get out for this one. I hope to make up for lost time starting with Gunstock! Was suppose to head further north, but overslept due to working a lot lately!
Got to the mountain around 9:30. Took a spin up the Summit Quad.. Beautiful blue bird day, although colder then hell! First skied Gunsmoke to the pistol complex, and down side arm to grab something out of my car in the pistol lot. Road the Pistol Triple up and then down Shotgun. Beautiful powder stashes to be found still! Next back up the Summit Quad to upper, middle and lower Trigger. Quite possibly the run of the day. Next was Flintrock, which was left ungroomed... Wasn't bad, but boy it was quite variable in condition. From flintrock made my way down redhat, which was almost frozen granular like. Took the tiger triple back up and next up was Cannonball... Carving on it was sweet as sugar. From there Took a few runs on phelps and smith, and returned back up to the summit, where they dropped the ropes on Upper Ramrod. All Powder, and very little tracked through. It's a shame they don't recut the middle part of the trail because that would be a lot of fun skiing into trigger from there. Finished up the day with a few more runs on out of sight and pistol. All in all a great day on the snow.