If Hermitage or Stratton weren't so close it might make sense. But the type of person that would join Haystack or the Stratton club are basically the same type of person. Haystack might be more ritzy but it's still not much of a difference to justify owning 2 places that are so similar only 30 minutes apart
I wouldn't expect anyone at Stratton to own two places (totally forgot about how nice that place must be because I've never been). I could see Stratton skiers interested in having the option to buy tickets to Hermitage on holiday weekends, though. It's tough to know what type of deal could get struck, but I could see a rich Stratton skier liking the option to buy a Hermitage ticket at, say, $150/per during MLK weekend or during other crazy busy days to avoid the crowds. Figuring out how to ration tickets or justify to club members why they should be on board with periodic small-to-medium-sized influxes of Stratton clientele could get dicey, though.