Well-known member
Got up there early...very cold, snowing hard, very windy. The 6 was down but they got the B to the F running for a slow boat to china run to the top. Very windy with pretty hard gusts at the top..temps in the teens. Place was empty and the guns where blasting all over the place. Spent the day on Hellgate to the F and sometimes to the bottom. Hellgate was chewed up marbles, very rough going but the rest of the way to the F was fine. Kennedy was a mix. Around noon they started the 6..time to try it out..nice, fast, comfy..I like it!! Made the rest of the runs..much quicker..but it was getting skied off..I was getting I called it a day. My new Dynastar Sultan 85"s really kicked ass on this type of surface..really slammed through everything with no deflection or chatter, things are tanks!! Looks like they will have a lot more open by next week!!