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Jay 3/16 - daBush 3/17


Active member
Mar 8, 2007
Just a real quick report for now, will add post additional this evening.

Drove up to Jay Sat. night. Woke up to chow down at hotel Jay(nice:spread:) First Tram in morning w/ almost a dozen other peeps. Me and the other J where the last to get off the tram and by the time we where ready the others had hightailed it outa there. First trax one some of the upper trails. Some soft mostly Firm. Next Tram back up again getting stuffy head to stateside and the Jet. Kitz Woods was kinda nice but that ice layer was a little tricky to bust through. Best snow was found on the edges of trails. Kinda tough, skiing by Braill. Also took a few spins on the BonAdveture chair in attempt to cover some more of the Stateside. Made our way back to the Tram to catch last ride to top. Ending up back stateside sometime after 4:20, we where relived to see the T-bar still spinning and make our way back to the parking lot. Ya it was a decent day but not the best Jay has to offer. The Jay cloud was in full effect and in hindsight the area seemed to be hit harder w/ that unfortunate ice event.

South to Barre and Hollow Inn? OK place for those on a budget. Although the place has a pool we were just to beat to check it out. The rooms in this place are a little larger than average, maybe a little run down though. breakfast in morning was a simple affair complete with plastic forks & knives(but NICE pour your own waffels). When the hotel owner/manager saw us kinda lingering upon check-out he came outside to direct us to Rock of Ages quarry, something worth looking at while things softened up.

St. Paddy's day shennanigans ensued and we arrive at Sugarbush finally for first run at 11:00:dunce: Hit up Castelrock where all the bad vibes are flushed away(for now). Another virtual ghost town with fresh snow everywhere. Some folks who had been there all morning said that there was about 8" at the top w/ 2-4" at the base. There was not a single cloud in the skies above the MRV and from the peak the views were stunning. The snow on the trails was so good that there was no reason to dip into the trees, but we did anyway and where not disappointed... until >Power outage strikes sometime after 1:00:sad: Hung around a bit around the mid mtn(heavens gate chair?) when they did get the diesel running we were chased outa there by a mean lookig plume of pungent soot. So we headed back to the base(south) to see what the story was, still not sure what happened but the entire area was affected and the word we got was that they would have the chairs spinning "soon".

Lifts back running around 3:00 and they promised to keep'em spinning till after 4:30. With daylight(savings) burning we tore it up here and there a few times off Super Bravo and HG? Last chair damn near 5:00 and we had one last creek encounter and a hike out(nothing major) When we made it back to the parking lot (it was still plenty light) there were less than 10 cars in it :beer:...Never mad it over to Ellen or any thing in between. All in all this was my best day of the 8 on ski's this year (IMHO) Just wish we hadn't "let it soften up" and been there earlier.

For those still on the fence for Fri. gathering.. First clear your calender than keep an eye on the sky and finally PRAY 4 SNOW:p
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