Woke this morning on Cape Cod and remember skiing Killington yesterday. I don't remember much about how I got here from there :beer: , but I do recall a fun day on the slopes. Bear Peak was closed, and there wasn't much in the way of expert terrain open. However, there were a number of cruising runs and one good bump trail. It was snow on the summit but a light mist at the lower elevations. The wind closed down a couple of the chairs (Superstar Quad for a short period around 1 p.m.) , but with the propre clothing and air temps mild (the lowest was 25 F at the top), it wasn't much of a detraction. The snow was soft. Neither the lodges, nor the slopes were too crouded. There were a lot of beginners/intermediate boarders and Baby Boomer late bloomers in their helmuts interspersed with the Green Mtn. College Girls. You have to be careful about getting on the lifts with some of these people.
There's lots of inexperience at this time of the year. It seems that they blew enough snow to open a few more trails for the weekend. A little fresh snow in the coming storm would perk things up!!!