Date(s) Skied: 2/28/10
Resort or Ski Area: Loon Mountain, NH
Conditions: Mostly Spring Corn, dry snow up top, slush at the base.
Trip Report:
If I didn't go west, I would have been all over this last storm like a fly on sh1t... Although my west coast trip killed some of my enthusiasm for this last storm, I was radar watching, and the rain event dampered my spirits a bit for the weekend... I wanted to go mid-week(Magic!), but being back from a two week vacation couldn't really swing that with work.... Logistical ski's/boards/wheels problems along with some other reasons prevented the saturday slopes as well.... or the long haul to the goods (NY/Loaf)...
Loon yesterday was good, but I think better choices would have been in Maine, VT or NY mtns which I've never checked out....
Felt a lot like spring skiing on most of the mountain, some corn snow on most of the mountain and even some slush at the bottom near the lifts... There was some winter up top, and Sunset which is not usually that great at all held some of the best snow -- silky smooth and cold, fantastic...
Started off with a warmup on the west kanc, lower picked rock... pretty nice and carvable... Moved over to North Peak, where longest lines of the day were mid-morning (maybe 10-15 minutes around 10?) After that everyone spread out across the mountain and there really wasn't a line the rest of the day...
Rumrunner was fun, rampasture great... I avoided triple trouble and instead wimped out with a flying fox/crosscut run... Boss was good as usual.
Day seemed to get better as it went on, warmed up -- continued the spring skiing... Lunch beer, longtrail, mmm... Ripsaw had a few good bumps (on tele's, I don't really belong on that trail -- but then again its not really a double black by my standards...) Cruiser was a decent easy cruiser today.... ended the day with one more blue ox run...
Glad I didn't snowboard, probably would have been bored and wishing I was in NY even more -- starting to feel good on the tele's, a lesson a few weeks back at Sunday Rivers telefest did me a lot of good... Before I was driving the downhill ski a bit more in lunge fashion, now i feel a bit like I'm doing a native american dance down the hill with much more weight on the trailing foot...
Resort or Ski Area: Loon Mountain, NH
Conditions: Mostly Spring Corn, dry snow up top, slush at the base.
Trip Report:
If I didn't go west, I would have been all over this last storm like a fly on sh1t... Although my west coast trip killed some of my enthusiasm for this last storm, I was radar watching, and the rain event dampered my spirits a bit for the weekend... I wanted to go mid-week(Magic!), but being back from a two week vacation couldn't really swing that with work.... Logistical ski's/boards/wheels problems along with some other reasons prevented the saturday slopes as well.... or the long haul to the goods (NY/Loaf)...
Loon yesterday was good, but I think better choices would have been in Maine, VT or NY mtns which I've never checked out....
Felt a lot like spring skiing on most of the mountain, some corn snow on most of the mountain and even some slush at the bottom near the lifts... There was some winter up top, and Sunset which is not usually that great at all held some of the best snow -- silky smooth and cold, fantastic...
Started off with a warmup on the west kanc, lower picked rock... pretty nice and carvable... Moved over to North Peak, where longest lines of the day were mid-morning (maybe 10-15 minutes around 10?) After that everyone spread out across the mountain and there really wasn't a line the rest of the day...
Rumrunner was fun, rampasture great... I avoided triple trouble and instead wimped out with a flying fox/crosscut run... Boss was good as usual.
Day seemed to get better as it went on, warmed up -- continued the spring skiing... Lunch beer, longtrail, mmm... Ripsaw had a few good bumps (on tele's, I don't really belong on that trail -- but then again its not really a double black by my standards...) Cruiser was a decent easy cruiser today.... ended the day with one more blue ox run...
Glad I didn't snowboard, probably would have been bored and wishing I was in NY even more -- starting to feel good on the tele's, a lesson a few weeks back at Sunday Rivers telefest did me a lot of good... Before I was driving the downhill ski a bit more in lunge fashion, now i feel a bit like I'm doing a native american dance down the hill with much more weight on the trailing foot...
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