My wife and I have a place at Mount Snow so that's where we usually ski. This season we purchased the Classic pass with blackouts for 12/25 to 12/31 so we'd like to ski elsewhere the weekend of 12/29 to 12/31. Where should we go to Magic or Berkshire east? Which one will be less crowded this Holiday season? My wife prefers the groomers but she can ski anything and if coverage is good she likes natural trails too. I like to mix it up and I'll ski anything except very bumped up mogul runs. We're both advanced intermediate skiers. I've never skied Berskshire East and it's been at least 15 years since I've been to Magic. Magic was always a favorite of mine back in my college days. I really liked the feel of the place and the way the trails were cut, also it was seldomly crowded. Travel time to either would be about the same.