Well-known member
Not coming from the financial angle. I was referring to the supposedly all consuming need to protect people from COVID that Cuomo, Baker et al always preach.
Yeah, I'll be skiing in NY only this season. And I'll bet many from outside NY in those contiguous states will come to NY too, especially if it snows. So NY will have it's own population of skiers AND outsiders from those contiguous states. But no relief valve whereby NY skiers can go to adjoining states to ski. A one way street.
I stand by my original comment...Cuomo is an idiot.
Here's the thing, where the answers always seem to be contact tracing related, that drive me crazy!
Let's say it's 200 miles from your house in New York to Whiteface. And It's 175 miles from your house in New York to KIllington. Both Whiteface and Killington are in relatively low COVID incidence areas, with not a lot of local healthcare facility beds. Both mountains will have a data point of you being there from your reservations. Yet somehow with the logic that many a Governor is applying makes it seem like "Whiteface Covid" is somehow less virulent to the surrounding community near your home than "Killington Covid" would be and that the Covid by your home is less virulent in the Whiteface area than it would be in the Killington area......
You could make the point back in late Winter/early Spring when the Covid infection regions were relatively small and not nearly as widespread across the country as they are now that travel restrictions made sense, now though, not so much. Now it's either got to be about truly locking down entire communities for a period of time (not in favor of that) or being aware, and very on top of society as a whole using the set spread mitigation protocols (masks, hand sanitation, social distancing, etc.)
And if there is a potential exposure. the mountain has your info for possible contact tracing. If it happened in say a gas station near Killington or Whiteface, would that gas station necessarily have your data for contact tracing info? Or if it was based of credit card use, would it really matter if the Dept of Public Health had to notify you across state lines 175 miles from Killington or within State lines 200 miles from Whiteface?