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MRG 2/13, Bush 2/14 and Stowe 2?15


Dec 6, 2010
fairfield county ct.
Date(s) Skied: 2/13-2/15

Resort or Ski Area: MRG, Bush and Stowe
Conditions: A mixed bag
Trip Report:
Mad River Glen Monday 2/13
We got there late morning, the wind had died down, temps were in the 20's with a dusting of snow at the base. First ride up the double and skied down Vixen to get our bearings. They had a stubby course setup and my boys hit that and I stopped and talked to Jim the coach for the team? We followed a ski patroller down who ducked into the woods. My son wanted to join him, but he looked up at us said that it wasn't fun. Next ride up the single and there was so much more fresh snow up top. We skied Catamount/ Antelope down. My 7 year old didn't want to ski any more so he settled into the Basebox and my older son and I hit the Single. Catamount Bowl was on tap - very sweet with an inch or two in the troughs to cover up the ice. After that we broke for lunch. Back to the double and we skied Upper Panther and cut all the way over to Partridge that dropped us onto Slalom Hill. Definitely more than a dusting of snow here! My 10 year old loved it. After that a couple more runs on Quacky 2 or 3 which were sweet.
Really love the vibe here, the Basebox is way cool and everybody super friendly. Definitely will be back.
Sugarbush Valentine's 2/14
Went to Mount Ellen to take advantage of the $14 tickets. Got there early to slay some of the cord. All the groomed runs were in great shape - We rode the GMX and Summit all morning . My older son wanted to hit the woods, so we went over to Walt's Wood's and were sorely disappointed- ultra thin cover with ice. At 2 o'clock we loaded up the car and drove over LP. Big mistake- many more people with all the trails skied off. Only Sleeper and Murphy's Glade worth skiing. Hit Castle Rock Pub for $2.50 Ballantine tall boys that made it all worth it.
Stowe 2/15
Parked over by the Gondola, so our first runs were Gondolier, Switchback and Chin Clip. Nice Cord on Gondi, fresh snow on the sides of Switchback and the bumps on Chin Clip were forgiving. We hit the woods off of Switchback that made my older son very happy. We made our way over to the Forerunner and took Nosedive down to the Nosedive Glades. My 7 year old loved it- so freakin' pretty in there. Broke for lunch up at the Octagon and then hit Liftline. Pretty easy for a double black although I enjoyed the bumps on the right. Went back to the Nosedive Glades to appease the 7 year old.Took Bypass heading over to the Nosedive Glades. Too much for my younger son and had to carry his skis down. Too bad seemed fun-pretty tight up top and opens onto an amazing bump field. Skied 'til closing bell- the conditions were awesome and it snowed all day. Amazing how much more snow at Stowe than the other 2.


Active member
Mar 20, 2013
Was with you at Stowe yesterday AM but split at 1130 to beat an ice storm (that never happened) home.