Well-known member
Just a quickie. Hit up Mt. Snow Christmas Eve day. I think a first ever. Amazing coverage all over the hill. I didn't think they could make this much snow, and its nice soft man-made for the most part, a quality product as they say. Little chilly and breezy, but the 100% sunshine made for a real sweet ski day. More people than I expected but never really waited in a lift line. Started at 9:30 and of course couldn't help but head straight for TNF. Did an un-groomed Plummet, an un-groomed Ripcord, and an un-groomed Fallen Timbers. Yes, five trails open on TNF, three of them not groomed and skiing awesome! After doing the loop again I ran into Newpylong. Nice guy and solid skier. Did Ripcord together then headed over to Bear Trap and took a couple runs over there, pretty nice as the picture below will attest. Took a 45 minute lunch and headed to TNF for a run. Next over to Bear Trap for a few more. Then headed up the Sunbrook Quad (brrrrrr) to ski TNF. Did one last run with Newpylong then he took off to the Main Face. I ended lapping Plummet about a half dozen times with a Ripcord and Fallen Timbers thrown in for good measure. I was just feeling it - and ended up with last call on TNF. Pretty dark when I came off the hill. All the groomers I took were real nice too. Great to ski with a new AZer also. Always seem to have a good time at Mt. Snow!
Bear Trap didn't suck, Plummet, Fallen Timbers, and a couple scenic's I liked
Bear Trap didn't suck, Plummet, Fallen Timbers, and a couple scenic's I liked
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