Well said DJ.
In my opinion, any individualistic athletic pursuit with the word "freestyle" attached to it is less about athletics and more about creativity and individual expression. Think of surfing, skateboarding, and hotdog skiers back in the day. All just people having a good time showing off what they could do with their buddies. To turn these pursuits, which are largely counter-cultural in origin, into organized, competitive events makes little sense. To make them into "career opportunities" makes even less sense.
I've been skiing bumps since the mid 80's and I have the same love for it today that I did back in high school. I read an interview with Jeremy Bloom where he said he didn't even like skiing moguls, it was the competition he loved. To me that statement was like being slapped in the face.
So screw you Jermey Bloom and screw you Dale Begg Smith.