Anyone have any new marketing ideas to increase ticket sales here in the Northeast with limited trails opened, skied off high traffic conditions, and rocks pushing through the snow everywhere?
Here I will start.
Instead of internet blog bashing and rock throwing, the marketing departments should invent new ticket sale discounts like $10 off for every 100 miles you drive up to a maximum of $40 discount for each person in the car. If you drive all the way from Washington DC to Okemo, then you get the full $40 discount for everyone in the car. Proof of address on drivers license etc would be required. :grin:
Here I will start.
Instead of internet blog bashing and rock throwing, the marketing departments should invent new ticket sale discounts like $10 off for every 100 miles you drive up to a maximum of $40 discount for each person in the car. If you drive all the way from Washington DC to Okemo, then you get the full $40 discount for everyone in the car. Proof of address on drivers license etc would be required. :grin: