I have to get out which is why I'm headed Okemo Monday. Inlaws watching my kid for us on Sunday night. Plan on heading to Jackson Gore and lapping that until crowds show and then move across to the other side. I'm staying in Woodstock for the night and could go to Killington but with the nats done it's going to be even more crowded there (I think).
I feel like typically Monday's of long weekends are pretty tame in terms of crowds because most people have to vacate their rentals.
I feel like typically Monday's of long weekends are pretty tame in terms of crowds because most people have to vacate their rentals.
Do you? I admit, I’m a crowd snob. But how important is it to ski this weekend, when it will be challenging to have a good time? If holiday weekends are it for you, then I get it but I don’t otherwise.