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If you had a bunch of grapes and knew only one was poisoned and there was no way of telling. Would you feed them to your child?
The issue here is "knew" - not an appropriate assessment of the situation. What's happened is that someone in the neighborhood seemingly had a poisoned grape. So now are we to suspect all grapes around the world - including the ones we already have in our fridge - of being poisoned?
Following that suspicion, we'll stop eating grapes that are already in our fridge - we'll stop eating grapes that were even grown in our yards that we know are not poisoned. Better throw out the jelly too. The fear against grapes grows into apprehension of anything even associated with grapes. Grape juice? Must be bad. Wine? Forget it. The color purple? Grape apologists are known to follow this color.
Raisins? Holy f*&k they're now able to last outside the fridge! Blueberries also grow in clusters - they seem untrustworthy, too. But wait - olives sort of look like grapes! Better stop the production and importation of olive oil and tapenade.
Soon our kids forget what a grape was even like - but they know it's bad. Grapes and berries and all things purple are now just something to be feared, without reason, simply on the premise of being somewhat seemingly kinda sorta related to a grape.