I'm guessing that right about now if Cumming and Powdr really still want to run PCMR that the original lease offer that Talisker made (I believe it was for between 3.5-4 million a year) is looking mighty fine as it seems like they WAY overplayed their hand and are now even taking a "beating" in the court of public opinion far more than before as Katz and Vail Resorts have put forth a very sound media campaign that dispels much of the now seemingly hyperbole that Powdr put out there as it has been going down the last few years!
Powdr and Cumming are likely to end up as the subject of a case study in the Harvard Business Review someday over this and it won't be portraying them in a way that any businessman or company wants to be portrayed in that or any business journal!!
Why do you think that popular opinion is against POWDR? Maybe from the long view, but in PC the locals DESPISE Talisker. You'd think that it was owned by Satan or something.
Honestly if you ran the hypo by someone here, dropped the names, dropped that they are ski areas, and just said, "they have a commercial lease, one party did not renew as the lease says, the landlord let them stay for a few months and now wants them out," most folks would probably agree with Talisker's position (I'm leaving out a lot of the details of course....).
I am just surprised to hear PCMR now pretty much admitting that they screwed up, offering a buttload of money for the land and/or a new lease. Mind you that PCMR wanted to continue their lease at $100k annually or something like that...not near the $3-4 mill that they are offering. It seems like desperation....
It seems more and more like Vail is going to expand their terrain very soon.
And I agree that this is something that is downright embarrassing for POWDR. No matter how they spin it they did not adequately protect themselves. How the PCMR management held their jobs is beyond me.
The other part that was kind of odd (and pathetic) was how Cummings waxed on about how they are the town hill and how glad they were that they could "help the kids" for so many years. Jeesum Crow you'd think they were the YMCA or Cochran's fighting with Uncle Scrooge or something. PCMR is a business...and one of the most recognizable and largest ski areas in Utah. It is a FOR-PROFIT entity...not a charity. That just reinforced the image that he was a rich guy who wanted to run a ski area for the hell of it instead of making it a sustainable business. Maybe I'm being harsh, but it's just how I see it...with my (albeit) legally educated glasses on.
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