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Pats Peak 01/29/17


Active member
Apr 28, 2004
flatlands of Mass.
Date: 1/29/2017

Resort: Pats Peak, Henniker, NH

Conditions: Loose Granular.

Trip Report: Nice day at Pats Peak yesterday. Conditions on the groomers were loose granular over hardpack/ice...expected given the weather in the area over the past several weeks. Had not been to Pats for a few years so we ventured over to the "new" Cascade Basin area. It's actually pretty nice for what they had to work with...but it did get old fast. Might have been better if I could have ventured into the gladed area they have there, but I didn't want to venture off of anything groomed. I did see a few brave souls trying to go down the bumps on Hurricane but there was a lot of scraping going on.

Crowds were not an issue. Had a few lines over in Cascade Basin and for the Hurricane Triple after 1:30 or so but it was ski on for the most part. FIS and part of Twister were closed for racing which was fine...Twister was piles of loose granular over ice and not that much fun to ski anyway. Cyclone and Tornado were better options for steeper trails.

Was good to finally get back out, have not been able to ski for most of this month. Took a spill down some stairs a few weeks ago and I'm slowly recovering from what I think are bruised ribs. Hoping for some good weather over the next few months so I can still get in a decent ski season (for me).

Just a few pictures.




Active member
Nov 7, 2012
CS, Colorado
Ya we skied Cascade Basin. A couple times and never went back. Generally stick to Cyclone, Hurricane, Vortex, FIS and Twister when we went to Pats. Hope you are recovering ok!

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