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I'll start with one that works for me.
Warm up: Jump rope 2-4 minutes in one minute intervals, short jog (1-2 miles)
Workout: 3 rounds for time (AKA as fast as you can manage) (4 if your feeling really strong)
a. 10 burpees
b. 20 walking lunges with 25# barbells in either hand
For those not in the know: the workout cadence is as such: burpees, lunges, burpees, lunges, burpees, lunges - check your time.
I am still pretty slow at this particular workout, I don't have my log book on me but remember getting less than 6 minutes but more than 5 minutes. I'm fairly certain it can be done in 4 minutes by a real athlete.
After this workout follow up with a nice core workout. Sprinkle in pushups, handstand pushups, bench press, dead lift, pullups or whatever you desire before the core workout. Its probably not a good idea to do heavy squats after the lunges, you'll be more tired than you think.
Here's a cool core workout I developed. It may take some time to build up to it. Don't push yourself too hard on the planks right away - it took me a few weeks to build up to 1 minute intervals - this will help you avoid straining the little muscles between your ribs which can be annoying and lasts 10 days or more.
Core workout:
3 excersizes with 90 second breaks between excersizes
1. 10 hanging leg raises
2. 25 laying leg lifts
3. 1 minute plank, 90 seconds rest, 1 minute plank
Warm up: Jump rope 2-4 minutes in one minute intervals, short jog (1-2 miles)
Workout: 3 rounds for time (AKA as fast as you can manage) (4 if your feeling really strong)
a. 10 burpees
b. 20 walking lunges with 25# barbells in either hand
For those not in the know: the workout cadence is as such: burpees, lunges, burpees, lunges, burpees, lunges - check your time.
I am still pretty slow at this particular workout, I don't have my log book on me but remember getting less than 6 minutes but more than 5 minutes. I'm fairly certain it can be done in 4 minutes by a real athlete.
After this workout follow up with a nice core workout. Sprinkle in pushups, handstand pushups, bench press, dead lift, pullups or whatever you desire before the core workout. Its probably not a good idea to do heavy squats after the lunges, you'll be more tired than you think.
Here's a cool core workout I developed. It may take some time to build up to it. Don't push yourself too hard on the planks right away - it took me a few weeks to build up to 1 minute intervals - this will help you avoid straining the little muscles between your ribs which can be annoying and lasts 10 days or more.
Core workout:
3 excersizes with 90 second breaks between excersizes
1. 10 hanging leg raises
2. 25 laying leg lifts
3. 1 minute plank, 90 seconds rest, 1 minute plank