I've always had the philosophy, the more you get yourself out there, the better your chances are at hitting the slopes when 'it's on'.
I think most of us have HAD to work during epic days. You can't always pick and choose. I just go as often as have time for and afford and at the end of the season, look back and cherish the good days.
besides, you never know. It might not have snowed in a month and the mountain recently did a great job seeding a bump run or through down a bunch of man made and buffed out a pistine groomer. I actually had a couple of 'powder' days at Sunday River last winter where the temperature was just right and the snow under the guns wasn't setting up fast and it was gorgeous.
So, in my situation, the higher quantity I ski, the more quality I'll ski throughout a season.
You have a good attitude...that's how I approach skiing too.
I often find my best days or my best runs occur when I least EXPECT it.