Date(s) Skied: Saturday, January 22nd, 2011
Resort or Ski Area: Ragged Mountain
Conditions: Packed Pow on the groomers, 4 inches of fresh on top of crust in the woods
Trip Report:
Game on for the Ravine Glades at Ragged. Pels Pass and Rags to Riches were open off the Six Pack. The Spear side Ravine Glades were not. I assume this is because of the fairly heavy crust in the woods that would make those two glades pretty challenging. There's definitely a deep enough base though.
The crust in the woods wasn't unbearable, but it was pretty challenging. You had to carry a fair amount of speed, not turn sharply and make sure you kept your tips up or it would grab your skis and send you over the handle bars. That happened to me three times on my first run down Pels. :lol: Once I got used to it, it was pretty fun skiing. Having people in there today to bust up all of that crust will really set up the base nicely for the next storm.
Weather forecast must have scared people away. Longest wait at the Six Pack was 5 minutes. Most of the day it was a 4-5 chair wait.
Ran into Paul and his family on my last run. Would've liked to stick around for a few runs, but my legs were toast after 5 hours of skiing such challenging snow.
Only complaint for the day is that they raised the price of beer in the bar from $4.50 to $6. :smash: I'm pretty certain it was $4 last year.
If the upcoming storm hits like predicted, I'd highly recommend Ragged. The woods will be off the hook and the competition for Powder there is very low.
nice views to Washington today
Looking down Pel's
Lower Rags to Riches
Middle Rags - they definitely go a bit too chainsaw happy in here
Upper Rags
Tree Hugger glades, which is where I ran into Paul
Showboat - would've been epic if not for the crust
Shiny trees on Sweepstakes hinting at what lies beneath the fluff
obligatory shot of Showboat Headwall where I pray they someday seed bumps
Resort or Ski Area: Ragged Mountain
Conditions: Packed Pow on the groomers, 4 inches of fresh on top of crust in the woods
Trip Report:
Game on for the Ravine Glades at Ragged. Pels Pass and Rags to Riches were open off the Six Pack. The Spear side Ravine Glades were not. I assume this is because of the fairly heavy crust in the woods that would make those two glades pretty challenging. There's definitely a deep enough base though.
The crust in the woods wasn't unbearable, but it was pretty challenging. You had to carry a fair amount of speed, not turn sharply and make sure you kept your tips up or it would grab your skis and send you over the handle bars. That happened to me three times on my first run down Pels. :lol: Once I got used to it, it was pretty fun skiing. Having people in there today to bust up all of that crust will really set up the base nicely for the next storm.
Weather forecast must have scared people away. Longest wait at the Six Pack was 5 minutes. Most of the day it was a 4-5 chair wait.
Ran into Paul and his family on my last run. Would've liked to stick around for a few runs, but my legs were toast after 5 hours of skiing such challenging snow.
Only complaint for the day is that they raised the price of beer in the bar from $4.50 to $6. :smash: I'm pretty certain it was $4 last year.
If the upcoming storm hits like predicted, I'd highly recommend Ragged. The woods will be off the hook and the competition for Powder there is very low.
nice views to Washington today

Looking down Pel's

Lower Rags to Riches

Middle Rags - they definitely go a bit too chainsaw happy in here

Upper Rags

Tree Hugger glades, which is where I ran into Paul

Showboat - would've been epic if not for the crust

Shiny trees on Sweepstakes hinting at what lies beneath the fluff

obligatory shot of Showboat Headwall where I pray they someday seed bumps