Active member
Date(s) Skied: 1/14/2011 (Friday)
Resort or Ski Area: Saddleback
Conditions: powder, pp
Trip Report:
Got to the mountain, from Bangor, around 11am. Snowing lightly all around the mountain, summit concealed by snowclouds.
Temperatures = teens, high temp = low 20s. No wind. Everything a mix of powder(~12+") in places, and pp...obviously had to have
been nice powder over on the Casablanca system. Still getting the skilegs back and as the groomed trails were in unbelievably great condition(firm pp with patches of 12+" powder here & there, not a hint of any ice) I just skied the groomed trails of Parmachenee Belle,
Silver Doctor, and Blue Devil...*and Green Weaver too...for medium to short radius carving. I mean there was absolutely no hindrance to carving from the top lip of each trail to its bottom runout.
Sorry no pics. Time is of the premium when there's no more than ~50-60 people there and conditons as they were.
As I have my 72mm carvers...spending time in Casablanca, with their width and my rusty skills wouldn't have been much fun
had I found some areas with depth. All in all a terrific day. Probably should have brought the camera as all the trees
were still coated in powder. No traffic what to speak of...fwiw.
At around the 4:30pm mark or so, from Farmington eastward on Rte #2...began to meet the normal Sugarloaf crowd from the East.
It's a long drive, even from Bangor, but worth it when you run into snow and the lack of a crowd like today.
Resort or Ski Area: Saddleback
Conditions: powder, pp
Trip Report:
Got to the mountain, from Bangor, around 11am. Snowing lightly all around the mountain, summit concealed by snowclouds.
Temperatures = teens, high temp = low 20s. No wind. Everything a mix of powder(~12+") in places, and pp...obviously had to have
been nice powder over on the Casablanca system. Still getting the skilegs back and as the groomed trails were in unbelievably great condition(firm pp with patches of 12+" powder here & there, not a hint of any ice) I just skied the groomed trails of Parmachenee Belle,
Silver Doctor, and Blue Devil...*and Green Weaver too...for medium to short radius carving. I mean there was absolutely no hindrance to carving from the top lip of each trail to its bottom runout.
Sorry no pics. Time is of the premium when there's no more than ~50-60 people there and conditons as they were.
As I have my 72mm carvers...spending time in Casablanca, with their width and my rusty skills wouldn't have been much fun
had I found some areas with depth. All in all a terrific day. Probably should have brought the camera as all the trees
were still coated in powder. No traffic what to speak of...fwiw.
At around the 4:30pm mark or so, from Farmington eastward on Rte #2...began to meet the normal Sugarloaf crowd from the East.
It's a long drive, even from Bangor, but worth it when you run into snow and the lack of a crowd like today.
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