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Ski Sundown - 3/3/08 (night)


Staff member
Aug 30, 2004
Torrington, CT
Date(s) Skied: March 4th 2008

Resort or Ski Area: Ski Sundown

Conditions: Loose Granular and Hard Pack with some refrozen mankiness in between

Trip Report: Quick hitter for me last night. I didn't get on the hill until 8:15ish and skied till they wouldn't let me on the lift any more. I don't know how the rest of the hill skied, but the bumps on Temptor were pretty nice for the most part. The upper section is pretty funky with some icy sections leading into the corner, making it hard to stick a line all the way through. The flat section in the middle is, unsurprisingly, weird with lots of ruts, footprints, and skating marks from when it was warmer during the day and then got frozen in place. The bumps down the main face were skiing pretty good, a few slick spots here and there as well as the occasional wall like bump. The lower flatish section is pretty effed up and could use some work. The kickers have not been built yet, but the landing area they cleared on Sunday has been smoothed out at least (no more death cookies).

All in all a nice night to get out, the weather was nice and I was fortunate enough to meet up with the Evil's for my second run, so the company was good too. It took me a few runs to get into the swing of things. I took a few falls in those first runs, including one on the first run where I went down on a patch of ice right on my hip which is now bruised up. The best one was when I somehow managed to belly flop after landing from a small kicker in the flat section. I popped up and thought I landed it, but I guess my skis got spread apart some how and washed out, causing me to fall right on my chest, knocking the air out of me for a second. I slid for a few feet on my stomach and then laid there for a second while laughing at myself. My skis stayed attached through it all and I'm still not sure exactly how it happened, but it must have been a pretty sight. Tim was far enough behind me that was only able to get a glimpse of the aftermath... ;)