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Snowbird: Dec. 23, 2012 (Holiday Seconds)


Staff member
Jun 4, 2004
NEK by Birth
Ski Area: Snowbird

December 23, 2012

P/PP, 55" Base, 1-3" of new snow (about 156" for the season)

Sunny, temps in the 20's.

Report No: 7

I headed up for a real quick morning spin and was hoping to find some new snow. The upper elevation areas and Mineral Basin had picked up a dusting that had drifted to maybe 3" in some areas. This filled in the ruts and made areas that might not have been so tempting yesterday look more attractive today.

First run was off of Gadzoom down Lunch Run to Lower Reg's Gully, which had been ironed out and had a light coating of snow on top. The Monsters were ready to rip so down to Gad II I went and took a nice spin down Bananas:


I cruised down Bananas and down to the bottom. Elbow Gully was a bit slick but West Second South was delightful. Back up I went and then up to the top to catch the run to Mineral Basin.

The clouds were lifting and Mineral Basin was starting to get some sun:


Things were looking real nice:


I headed over to Powder Paradise and hit the Bookend's Traverse to head just a little bit further south and into a nice little gully that had some great drifted pow that was delightful to carve right down to the groomer.

I decided to do a couple quick spins off of Baldy. The view towards Timpanogos was pretty foreboding...


But the sun was shining in the Basin and the snow was nice:


I could not resist trying out Chamonix Bowl for the first time of the season, especially since they just dropped the ropes on Dog Kennel Chutes and I was tempted to try those but figured I would test out my other favorite first. The Monsters found themselves perched on the top of a cornice:



I dropped in and found things to be a bit bumpy, but the lower part was not too shabby. My legs were admittedly tired from the day before, so any hesitancy to let 'em rip was because of that.

Next run was an audible down Blue By You, which was pretty nice and flat. The drifting snow filled in things real nice and this was just delightful. Had I more energy, I would have charged down some other lines down Mineral Basin, but it just was not in the cards today. I headed back to Little Cloud and did two spins down Mark Malu finding great soft snow before heading back to Bicarb Gully and out to the base.

More snow on the way tonight (15-20") and later this week will hopefully have some more impulses to freshen things up. It's shaping up to be one hell of a holiday week.