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Stowe 3/11/19


Well-known member
Dec 30, 2003
Spencer, MA
Plan for today was Smuggs (or Bolton if wind was an issue at Smuggs) then Stowe tomorrow. Turns out both had wind issues so with Stowe mostly open figured today would be the day.

Kind of a boring report as I took a total of 3 runs outside of the Goat to Lookout range. First run was down Hayride which was already boilerplate at 9:30 am. 2nd run was down Nosedive which was also pretty scraped, but hopped in the woods there and never looked back other than one run off the Triple to check out Hacketts.

(Non tree) run of the day was definitely Lookout. Tons of soft powder for the first 3rd of the trail...tons of fun and no one skiing it. Got crappy once it widened, but taking a left I to the woods solved that problem.

Other than Lookout, the rest of the day was spent in the woods as both the groomers and bumped up runs were quite icy. Goat woods was the place to be...fresh lines even at 3:00. Also took many laps in the woods skiers left of Liftline, skiers right of Starr, and one run bushwacking above Tres Amigos which was an adventure. Simply put, the woods were unbelieveable today. Very occasional scrape in heavier traveled lines, but for the most part very soft and tons of unskied lines to discover all day.

Don't have any intel on how the Gondi or Spruce were skiing today because there was no reason to leave Fourrunner.

Far and away the best eastern day for me this year. Tomorrow might be better...getting that Smuggs day in and Madonna has been closed since Saturday, should be lots of freshies up there. After tomorrow things get busy for me so not as much skiing. Hoping to get a day or two in at some point in the next 2 weeks. Flying to SLC in 17 days for 3 days at Jackson and 3 in the Cottonwoods.


New member
Sep 22, 2008
Turning lemons into lemonade, sweet. How do you get your advance intel re: the mountains you're considering hitting then next day?


Well-known member
Dec 30, 2003
Spencer, MA
The purpose of this trip was mainly to finish off my VT 4 pass. The main reason I bought it was to ski Stowe for the first time in 10 years...the others can all be attained much cheaper but Stowe doesn't really have any available discounts.

Was planning on Stowe tomorrow mainly to have a 45 minute less drive home but not a big deal...mother nature has had it out for me this year but I've usually found good stuff regardless. Of my 15 northern NE days this year, 10 have featured wind holds lol.