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Stowe 3/14-3/15/09


Well-known member
Dec 30, 2003
Spencer, MA
Date(s) Skied: Saturday 3/14/09

Resort or Ski Area: Stowe, VT

Conditions: Bluebird, chilly early then around 40 afternoon, variable conditions

Trip Report:

4th and final school ski trip to Stowe and while it was probably the most lackluster (and deifnitely the least snowy) of the 4 trips, it was still a fun weekend as always. For the first time in those 4 years, one of my top 3 days won't come from this weekend, but hey, they can't all be super-great.

Started off around 8:30 Saturday morning and lapped some groomed stuff, especially the parks. The umgroomed stuff was completely frozen solid and looking quite threatening. The parks were all nice... the big features park was too much for me, but it was fun watching other people. The pipe was decently nice (except for the "1 side in the sun, the other in the shade" factor), and Lower North Slope park was more my size and a lot of fun.

Spent all morning hitting the blues over on that side off the triple while the quad's lines pushed 10 minutes. Did try one run down Nosedive into some still frozen solid glades that I hopped right out of. Luckily I found Rimrock to bail out into and headed over to the Gondola for a run down Perry Merrill which was sweet in the sun.

One highlight of the day was hiking a couple up the trail towards the nose from the quad and making use of the 6 foot kicker that someone built up there. I mainly filmed while some friends did stuff off the kicker. Tons of fun up there... away from the crowds and on top of the world.

Pretty much spent the rest of the day on groomers because the upper mountain didn't do much softening at all. Tried the Nosedive glades again around 3 and they were still junk. Did manage to end up on Lower Goat which had sweet soft bumps, a nice find.

Date(s) Skied: Sunday 3/15/09

Conditions: Bluebird... hot (had to be almost 60 at the bottom)... SPRING conditions

Trip Report:

Day 2 at Stowe once again started with groomers and parks in the morning while we waited for softening. It was clerly 10+ degrees warmer already than yesterday so we knew things would get good. Around 10 we tried some woods between Nosedive and Goat which were much better than yesterday's findings, more tracked out so the crust was broken and the snow was soft. Nosedive was a mess at the top... almost completely skied off.

Also tried some woods off of Cliff Trail which were frozen but had good lines so they were a little fun. Hopped back in the Lower Nosedive woods which were very sweet by then.

Around 1 we headed up the nose trail to play with the kicker some more. Found some nice shade to cool off under and chilled for a while. Couldn't believe how warm it got. Really got cooled down nice when I fell through the 2'+ base, got pretty stuck and got snowballed by everyone who noitced I wasn't going anywhere for a minute.

After a couple more park runs, I noitced they opened up National so I headed up there. Liftline between Haychute and National was a deathwish... scraped off and just about not skiable. National had decent bumps, but any bumps were welcomed after that death trap of Liftline.

Last run of the day was Centerline to Hayride. Centerline was sweet soft bumps the entire way. Hayride sucked... widely spaced bumps and wicked skied off in between... another free for all. Made it down that unscathed and cruised to the bottom to wrap up the weekend.

So another fun weekend at Stowe. Weird not being able to hit Goat, Starr, Lookout, Hackett's, etc, but lots of fun on everything else. Next day will probably be Friday at Wachusett for me, or maybe earlier, who knows. Next VT trip is Sugarbush day in 2 weeks.