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Am I overly sensitive, or were these catholic jokes misplaced in a snow report?
communications@sugarbush.com said:March Snow is on the Way
There are a lot of downsides to attending Catholic school. For starters, there’s the dress code. Being made to wear a tie with a shirt whose top button creates a hermetic seal around the wearer’s neck is the equivalent of water boarding to a teenager. Secondly, there is the discipline. Slights to authority, real or perceived, were not met with anything as passé as a ruler to the wrist. (The Augustinian Order prides itself on creativity.) Rather, punishments skewed to the psychological. Evildoers were often made to write out in reverse entire textbook chapters or gawk at an analog clock for hours on end. (If you think your life is moving too fast, just try staring at a sweep hand for two hours.)
But the most chafing of all torments was their masochistic use of biblically inspired maxims. Try denying a crime? You got, “A leopard cannot change its spots.” Bomb a test? “Don’t you know knowledge is power,” was hissed as the paper was spiked down football-like on your desk. The most excruciating platitude, however, was the one that was taunted during the clock-staring showdowns. “Good things come to those who wait, Mr. Toland. And wait you will.”
Fifteen years of therapy and a Valentine’s Day blizzard have finally brought that axiom into a positive light. Two weeks ago what started out as a few flurries in the morning turned into a raging snowstorm by the afternoon; at one point dumping up to three inches an hour across the hill. When it was all said and done, Sugarbush received more than four feet of snow. The season’s early famine had finally turned into a feast.
Am I overly sensitive, or were these catholic jokes misplaced in a snow report?