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Sunday River 12/15/06

Sheik Yerbouti

New member
Jan 6, 2006
Dedham, MA
Date(s) Skied: Friday, December 15, 2006

Resort or Ski Area: Sunday River, ME

Conditions: Wet Packed, Some granular, ice, whales, the whole spring kebang.

Trip Report: Second time skiing in 6 years, 1st time on shaped skis, I booked this trip on Dec 5th, needing a ski day, and having to burn a vacation day before year end, and lose it. I decided on Sunday River, due to the severe lack of natural snow and the reputation it has for making snow. Got up to Bethel on Thurs night, stayed over at the Snowcap, nice simple lodging. Woke up the next morning to fog with breaks of sun. Temp was around 30 at the base, weather report called for higher temps at the summit than at the base, :blink:
Actually got the first chair off of Sunday River Express, first run was nice, slipped down a groomed Jungle Road, very quiet, very peaceful, then down for a brief run at T2 then over to Cascades for a nice smooth run back to the base. Conditions for the first run were really nice, some ice here an there, but fresh groomed.
Next run I went over to Lazy River, Some good sized whales still around, and I found out that my ski legs weren't quite ready for them. This was my very first time on shaped skis and I was still trying to get used to them, Needless to say the ground met my butt a few times. A really heavy fog bank started to roll in around 10:15ish and the conditions worsened as the day wore on, and the crowds increased quickly turning most runs icy. I tried a few more runs over on Spruce and North peak, the blues were getting pretty packed and the greens were wide open, so I stuck with them, knowing my skill levels dropped dramatically in my absence from skiing.
Over all, Sunday River did a great job with the snow they had and the temps they had to work with. I definitely need to take a lesson for parabolic skis, my old straight ski brain wouldn't let go.
This is my first ski report, so please excuse the rambling. Cannot wait for the temps to drop so some real stuff has a chance to fall.

- Chuck


more pics at:http://forums.alpinezone.com/gallery/showgallery.php?cat=625
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Sheik Yerbouti

New member
Jan 6, 2006
Dedham, MA
It's a wonderful place to ski, I can't wait to get back there. I just need a to put some more miles down on the new skis with a lesson or three thrown in for good measure. Thanks again for all the help.