Tried taking some pics, but the camera was out of batteries and wasn't going to bother.
Redeemed my BSSC daily deal voucher for SR 2/26. Gosh, what a mistake not going for Stowe 2/25 as the same voucher was good there as I bought a BSSC voucher back in November. There were people on this trip that also booked yesterday and they were raving. However, the guy on the telephone said Stowe has been sold out for quite some time now and I was calling on Thursday (he advised me I need to book on Monday to get a spot on those trips); one would think with a rain/freeze as a possibility on the table earlier on in the week why it would sell out that early.
But it was what it was so I went to Sunday River as I wasn't going to let this weekend pass by and I was determined to redeem this voucher. My stomach started to churn when the ambassador was calling off the laundry list of lifts on hold when the tickets were being retrieved and that only lower lifts are open at the time but Spruce Triple is being started up soon. They then reminded us we have until 10 am to voucher out but I knew that would've really been a mistake. So I waited it out lapping the North Peak Quad and then went over to lower White Cap and did another few runs there. Generally, the snow was packed powder w/ some icy spots. White Heat then opened up but then that was windblown especially at the top. There was some good spots but there were still patches of ice. Best trails of the day were in Jordan Bowl as the crowd was there when it opened up. The Blind Ambition glade skied really well even though I pretty much did the lower part. Rogue Angel was the ROTD.
Overall, lift lines weren't that bad and I avoided long lines by just seeking out another lift for much of the day. Barker Express was 10-15 minutes wait w/ queues overfilled from about 10 am until noon but practically got to be ski on after 1. There was about 4/5 minute line at Jordan.
I liked how they tried to pair up skiers and invited everyone for lunch if they wish (but I eat out enough and they were going to the FG) and couldn't pass up more time on the snow since I brought my own as usual and wanted to make the most of the day. I ended up meeting up w/ a few of the ski bus people who I had a good time skiing with for awhile.
Redeemed my BSSC daily deal voucher for SR 2/26. Gosh, what a mistake not going for Stowe 2/25 as the same voucher was good there as I bought a BSSC voucher back in November. There were people on this trip that also booked yesterday and they were raving. However, the guy on the telephone said Stowe has been sold out for quite some time now and I was calling on Thursday (he advised me I need to book on Monday to get a spot on those trips); one would think with a rain/freeze as a possibility on the table earlier on in the week why it would sell out that early.
But it was what it was so I went to Sunday River as I wasn't going to let this weekend pass by and I was determined to redeem this voucher. My stomach started to churn when the ambassador was calling off the laundry list of lifts on hold when the tickets were being retrieved and that only lower lifts are open at the time but Spruce Triple is being started up soon. They then reminded us we have until 10 am to voucher out but I knew that would've really been a mistake. So I waited it out lapping the North Peak Quad and then went over to lower White Cap and did another few runs there. Generally, the snow was packed powder w/ some icy spots. White Heat then opened up but then that was windblown especially at the top. There was some good spots but there were still patches of ice. Best trails of the day were in Jordan Bowl as the crowd was there when it opened up. The Blind Ambition glade skied really well even though I pretty much did the lower part. Rogue Angel was the ROTD.
Overall, lift lines weren't that bad and I avoided long lines by just seeking out another lift for much of the day. Barker Express was 10-15 minutes wait w/ queues overfilled from about 10 am until noon but practically got to be ski on after 1. There was about 4/5 minute line at Jordan.
I liked how they tried to pair up skiers and invited everyone for lunch if they wish (but I eat out enough and they were going to the FG) and couldn't pass up more time on the snow since I brought my own as usual and wanted to make the most of the day. I ended up meeting up w/ a few of the ski bus people who I had a good time skiing with for awhile.
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