hey all you azone bumpers (think there might be one or two), seeded bumps have come to the beast. seeded bumps on lower skyelark and upper double dipper. report had originally mentioned mouse trap but that was taken out of the later report. throw in nats like north star, vagabond, escapade, powerline etc plus the bumps left standing on supe & cascade, you'd almost mistake the big k for the mighty sundown ...
Friday, December 24, 2010
Fresh snow, fresh turns, fresh moguls at The Beast! Check out the seeded moguls on Lower Skyelark and Upper Double Dipper on Friday. Plus, snowmaking will continue around the clock as we add more terrain for the Holiday weekend. We'll offer 53 groomed trails as lifts spin daily at 8 a.m. through Jan. 2! Skyeship Lodge opens Saturday.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Fresh snow, fresh turns, fresh moguls at The Beast! Check out the seeded moguls on Lower Skyelark and Upper Double Dipper on Friday. Plus, snowmaking will continue around the clock as we add more terrain for the Holiday weekend. We'll offer 53 groomed trails as lifts spin daily at 8 a.m. through Jan. 2! Skyeship Lodge opens Saturday.