Okay, maybe you guys can momentarily divert from the Black Diamond mode of thinking (doubt it) and help me out with some decisions. The wifey and I just started downhill last March. Skied a couple small areas in NY 3 times, and made it to Jay Peak twice in April. Second time at Jay, we felt ready to hit an easy blue, but they didn't have the right lift operating that day. It was either gondola to the top, or stay on greens -- bummer.
We're skiing Sunday River over Xmas week. What are 2/3 easier blues for a couple middle-aged rookies to tackle after we've warmed-up on the greenies? After SR, we're working our way back to NY, but will hit Gore for a day. Same question for Gore (easier blues). Next, we can ski 3 days at SR, or we can ski 2 days at SR and 1 day at a NH area close by.......Bretton Woods? Soooooo, better to spend all 3 days at SR, or split-up the time between SR and Bretton Woods? Next (you know what's coming), easier blues at BW?
Thanks, in advance, for all the invaluable information.
We're skiing Sunday River over Xmas week. What are 2/3 easier blues for a couple middle-aged rookies to tackle after we've warmed-up on the greenies? After SR, we're working our way back to NY, but will hit Gore for a day. Same question for Gore (easier blues). Next, we can ski 3 days at SR, or we can ski 2 days at SR and 1 day at a NH area close by.......Bretton Woods? Soooooo, better to spend all 3 days at SR, or split-up the time between SR and Bretton Woods? Next (you know what's coming), easier blues at BW?
Thanks, in advance, for all the invaluable information.