Nice pic koreshot, I have that as my wallpaper at work. Gets a lot of stares.
Thanks. Which picture are you talking about? When I showed the picture of me in Corbets to my wife... she had some angry words for me
Kore...props for doing it and surviving, conditions look very challenging.
The conditions were pretty tough. The snow was like styrofoam in there - hard but pretty edgeable as long as you are forward or centered on your skis. But the worst part is, that was my first run of the day
The way the Steep and Deep class works, you are the first customers on the early tram. So we got to the top and the first thing we do is our usual "lets just look down Corbets" stroll. Problem is, once I had made up my mind to go in there, there was no way I was going to turn around, do a warmup run and then go in. It was now or never. Most of the other students who went in felt that way, so we agreed to go for it.
Going into Corbets is mostly balls. It is really scary when you stand on top of the run and look down, but it looks harder than it is. I think there are many AZers that can drop into Corbets and make it out fine. It just takes a little faith and building up the balls to just do it. I am not particularly good, I just had 4 days to build up the balls to go for it. Plus having other people of similar skill level go in before me was a huge confidence boost.
If the conditions are good, get an instructor for an hour (or someone else that knows the terrain very well) and have him guide you through it. Its worth it.
Though I still think there are quite a few inbounds runs out West that may not look as scary as Corbets but are more dangerous and require more skill to ski. Corbets is just really popular.