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Wachusett 12/30/11


Well-known member
Dec 30, 2003
Spencer, MA
Date(s) Skied: Friday night, 12/30/11

Resort or Ski Area: Wachusett, MA

Conditions: PP, Hardpack

Trip Report:

Got on the hill right at 4:00 and skied till 6:30. Since last week, they've opened 10th, Lower Salamander, Hitchcock, and Look Mom. They also have Challenger edge to edge. Absolutely no natural snow to speak of, but the manmade stuff is coming along pretty well.

Conifer: Pretty slick before grooming, but was able to find some decent snow down the right side. After grooming, where it was skied was nice, but where there was still corduroy was VERY slick for some reason. Took my hardest fall in about 8 years trying to turn on it and ski patrol said I rolled and bounced pretty good lol.

10th: Upper is covered pretty good... maybe 3/4ths for most of it. Left side was slick, but the right side had some pretty nice loose snow. Lower was a bit more slick as things got bottlenecked in one part, but then became pretty good again below that. Lower Salamander was a sheet of ice on the steep pitch.

Hitchcock: Maybe 1/3 to 1/2 covered (including one cat track to get to it from the lift), but it was actually in decent shape. It was solid, but still edgeable.

Look Mom: Didn't ski it, but it had a rail, a couple boxes, and a dinky jump to hit.

Challenger: Hit it right after grooming and it was like Conifer... very slick in the cord but nice where it was skied.

Be back up there Monday night most likely.


Staff member
Nov 12, 2010
Bradenton, FL
I might go Monday as well, still planning it out. Glad to hear 10th got better, I skied it on Thursday and it was very icy with big golf-ball sized ice chunks. Conifer was much, much better. It was the first day 10th had been open though so i'm sure that played a part.