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Wachusett Closing Day 4/6/08


Well-known member
Dec 30, 2003
Spencer, MA
Date(s) Skied: Sunday 4/6/08

Resort or Ski Area: Wachusett Mountain, MA

Conditions: Spring, Foggy with temps in the low 30s

Trip Report:

Very cold closing day compared to the last few as the summit never got above freezing. Still, they drew in a good crowd and had 200+ competitors in the pond skimming (I was a spectator haha... too cold for me). The summit was shrouded in fog and mist, then at 3:30 it began raining lightly. It would occasionally switch to snow for a minute or two and then go back to rain.

Conifer: Great coverage after the very top, and good potatoes with the typical end-of-the-season edgeable ice showing through.

10th: Finally, the bumps had a good line down the right side that was actually soft. Only took till closing day to get it. The rest of the trail was like the rest of the mountain... potatoes with edgeable ice underneath. Potatoes on the right side were very thick.

Smith: A little slick later in the day, but still doable. They groomed it at 11 so it must've been pretty sketchy beforehand. Polar Express was in full speed with the occasional 5 chair wait and a few breakdowns due to the computerized spacing that's been screwing it up all year.

Look Mom: Jumps and rails are all gone leaving a few mounds to jump over. Halfpipe was plowed to make the pond skimming pond. Not much cover on skiers left.

Well, that's all for Wachusett this year. Great year for them, went November 23 to April 6 without missing a single day. As for me, I probably have 2 days left: a day at Okemo (maybe) and closing day at Mount Snow. I may also try to get to Sugarbush very late in the month but its doubtful.