Or off. Mentally, at least. It amazes me that people will post such blatantly ignorant, racist, and stupid comments, with their pictures there, on Facebook, for all the world to see. I mean, probably better than posting them anonymously, but amazing that they're posting at all. To go through the effort to type up a thought like those, without ever taking the small extra step of actually thinking about the stupidity you are spewing.
I find it offensive that mentioning sand constitutes a muslim joke. I like going to the beach. Does that make me Islamic? How does that work if the Mormons want to convert me posthumously? Where will my eternal soul rest? I mean, after I get off my one way flight to hell. Window seat, please.
It's disheartening when I read comments like that and realize just how ignorant and intolerant some of my 'fellow' Americans are.
Now, that said, the person who complained about the sign should harden the eff up, and stop complaining. There's zero reason that sign should have been taken down.