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Cannon 2-5-2012


Dec 20, 2010
Bedford, NH
I grew up skiing Cannon Mt. I love the place. I have to say they have done a great job running it. I've had a rough time lately as my Dad passed away 3 weeks ago. 2/5 was his birthday. He introduced me to skiing 37 years ago. I skied with him last year when he was 70. Let me tell you he ripped it up at Loon and Burke. He was a great skier especially for 70 years young. We went to Cannon frequently including some past super bowl Sundays. So what other choice did I have than to go to Cannon on his birthday on Super Bowl Sunday. He must have been smiling down on me because it was truly a great day at Cannon. It was sunny making the visibility perfect. It was also lacking wind. And the snow quality was surprisingly good. I had a great day. I truly appreciated the awesome day of skiing. Here's a few photos.

The summit has amazing views and tons of snow...

Here's one of us on one of our many trips to the mountains. This time it was Rocky Mtn National Park without skis.


Its sad that he is gone. But I will cherish our skiing memories. I hope to have many more great days skiing.


Staff member
Jun 4, 2004
NEK by Birth
Nice pics and a touching tribute to your Dad. I won't forget the time that Snowmonster and I met an older guy with his two daughters in Tux. He was determined to ski it, and he was an older guy too...in his 70's. You should have seen his face when he got up there and skied! His girls were great to be there with him.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
Alexandria, NH
I grew up skiing Cannon Mt. I love the place. I have to say they have done a great job running it. I've had a rough time lately as my Dad passed away 3 weeks ago. 2/5 was his birthday. He introduced me to skiing 37 years ago. I skied with him last year when he was 70. Let me tell you he ripped it up at Loon and Burke. He was a great skier especially for 70 years young. We went to Cannon frequently including some past super bowl Sundays. So what other choice did I have than to go to Cannon on his birthday on Super Bowl Sunday. He must have been smiling down on me because it was truly a great day at Cannon. It was sunny making the visibility perfect. It was also lacking wind. And the snow quality was surprisingly good. I had a great day. I truly appreciated the awesome day of skiing.

My brother and I have a memorial ski day for my Dad and older brother every year. In 2004 my brothers and I planned to ski at Stowe for a day but my Dad passed away that weekend after a long illness and ended our season a bit early. The next year we instituted the Vinny Memorial Ski day in his honor around the time of his death. In 2008 my older brother died so we remember him on that day as well.

So keep it up and always send photos.

Warp Daddy

Active member
Jan 12, 2006
NNY St Lawrence River
First of all My deepest condolences !! losing your dad is a very difficult thing under any circumstances but especially if you have wonderful memories of time well spent together .I'm 100% in agreement with your sentiments !

At almost 69 i can tell you i still miss my my dad and he's been gone 10 yrs ( he long ago turned me on to winter sports). I too often commemorate him, especially when i'm skiing alone. As i prepare to ski down some awesome trail . I often say to myself " Dad jump on the back of these puppies you are gonna luv this run !! "

Obviously your dad's spirit is with you and is a large part of who you are as a person and skier . Skiing with My son, daughter and grandkids is always a special treat that we achive a couple times every yr !

Just like with your family -- making memories is what it is all about !

Good Job 2 Planker


Staff member
Nov 12, 2010
Bradenton, FL
Hey Doubleplanker,

Great shot of you and your dad. I can completely relate, I lost my dad back in 2006 from Lou Gherig's disease and he gave me the gift of skiing and the appreciation for the outdoors in general.

I remember going to Killington with my dad when he was sick on his last time skiing ever. We stuck on the blues on Ramshead most of the day but it was so important for him to get out there with us ... .really still breaks my heart but the memories that he gave me are amazing. Now that my wife is pregnant I find myself thinking a lot (maybe even obsessively) about the kind of dad I want to be to my children and the kinds of life experiences I hope to provide for them.

It's obvious you and he had a great relationship and I hope you keep that close!