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Don't care what "they" say, I DON'T like...


Staff member
Mar 6, 2005
Southeast NH
Foo Fighters are fantastic. Celery is a good peanut butter edible spoon. Jay Leno is a cool car guy.

Folding fitted sheets? What's the point? Throw it in the washer, then dryer, then put back on the bed. I don't see where folding enters the equation.

I have a ton of respect for Dave Grohl, it's amazing what he's accomplished post Nirvana. Can't say I'm a huge Foo Fighters fan, but I don't mind them....don't change the radio station when they come on.

Celery is a critical ingredient in cooking. I don't really eat it on it's own, but I almost always have some in the fridge.

Spoke with Jay Leno on the phone once. My boss where I worked on Cape Cod in the 90s was Jay's childhood best friend. Went into the office, boss was laughing, I asked who he was on the phone with and he says Jay Leno. I respon,d bullshit. He hands me the phone. I told him I liked Letterman better. :lol:

As far as your fitted sheets comment, apparently you're single as no woman would have just one set of fitted sheets in her home. I think we have a half dozen. I refuse to fold them though. Pain in the ass. That's the wife's job.