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Pico Mountain: March 10, 2007


Staff member
Jun 4, 2004
NEK by Birth
Date(s) Skied: March 10, 2007

Resort or Ski Area: Pico Mountain

Conditions: SC/Bumps

Weather: Clouds with peaks of sun, temps in the 40's. A few sprinkles .

2006-2007 Report # : 39

Trip Report: I just love being spontaneous sometimes. Yesterday, it was looking like r%^n today, which meant that the afternoon would be spent putzing around the house. But the forecast began to improve...to the point where I thought, "maybe some turns would be a good thing after that test." Lunch was already made and I knew that I could be ready in five minutes...throw the short sticks in the car and go.

So this morning it looked like the r%&n was not to hit until 3pm. I went for it. That precip, yeah, it was like five drops of rain. :D

Had a sandwich at the car and slung my skis over my shoulder and headed to the base. I got a great spot.....front row. Yeah, most of the kids playing on the snowpile were TALLER than my skis :eek:

I looked for Terry in the lodge. Just as I was about to give up, there he was. I met him and his family and headed up to the top.

We started on 49er and then ducked onto Sunset Schuss. It turned out to be a bit slower and stickier than last week, due to the temps. Still nice. We also hit Lower KA.

Next run was down Sunset '71. Terry likes the groomers, so I had heard that they had scouted out much of the terrain in the morning. Sunset was in great shape...nice base and not skied out at all. Lower was great as well.

We continued moving toward the HSQ by hitting Upper KA to Middle Pike for some high speed arcs. Terry's daughter spent her HS years racing, and she was in her element.

The last run with them was down 49er. Terry has a nice family and they are all great skiers. They said that they liked Pico.

At this point, I decided to head off and do Summit Glades. The bumps were big and not as forgiving as last week. Summit Glades East was sloooowww thanks to the sticky snow.

I headed to the base and took a quick break before heading to Little Pico. Now it was time to hit the natural stuff while it was still good. A Slope was first. I ducked over into the trees on skier's right and found some sticky, untracked snow. The headwall was nice....some great stuff and soft snow. Lower down...very slow.

B Slope was awesome. Much better than the last time that I hit it....back in January. Groomed run of the day.

I hiked up to the Gnome's Knoll and headed for the Outpost. I was a bit disappointed--Sidewinder had some not so great lines and was getting thin at the lip on the top. Still a great run...better than when the lift is closed :wink: Wrangler was probably the best run at Outpost. Good lines. Doozie was OK, but quite bumped up and not as great as before. Bronco, last run, had some smaller bumps and was nice. Down low it petered out...but again, better to ski it and have so-so conditions then to not ski it at all.

OK, got to go to bed. Sunday River tomorrow, Sugarloaf on Monday.

Trailboss out.
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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2005
Upper Valley, NH
All these Pico reports are making me jealous I haven't been able to get there this year. I think it better be soon or never.... glad to see more people enjoying the place this year.


Well-known member
May 9, 2004
Fryeburg Maine
I really enjoyed Pico. It is my kind of mountain with friendly people, laid back attitudes, and great terrain. I wish that my hip was feeling better, I would have liked to get the real tour from Trailboss but stuck to the groomers instead. I don't know if it is the riding, or the skiing but I can barely walk this morning. It will be a long day at work today I think. It was great to ski with Trailboss again and sorry I missed Uphillklimber and Skier75. What a great weekend!
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Well-known member
May 9, 2004
Fryeburg Maine
Terry, sorry to hear about the hip, good luck at work. Were you in the lower level of the lodge this weekend? I think I did see you and yours in there, now that I get a good look at your outfits. I was observing people everywhere, and I remember a bearded fellow looking a lot like you with a mostly blue jacket, followed by a lady in mostly blue, heading out the door for the slopes.

Yes we booted up in the lower lodge. I think I remember seeing you in there also. Were you at the last table in the middle row close to the end of the lodge that the lifts are on? I think I remember seeing you there early in the day. To bad, I would have liked to meet you and your wife. My daughter was also with us. She has a purple and white jacket, and gray helmet.


Well-known member
May 9, 2004
Fryeburg Maine
Wow I guess we have to tatoo ALPINEZONE across our foreheads or something so that we will know who are members!