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Greek Peak 12/22/12


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2010
Date(s) Skied: 12/22/12

Resort or Ski Area: Greek Peak

Conditions: Powder

Trip Report:
Finally, some fresh snow! About 6-8" at the "summit". One trail, Illiad, half groomed, half closed. I made two runs on the groomed side, the following ten on the closed side. It skied great, but I paid the price, core shot. Brought my rock skis opening day, didn't need them, brought my good skis today, should've brought the rock skis, story of my life. I couldn't resist, it felt so good, much better than the groomed half. Let's hope Winter is here to stay.
Looking up Illiad.

Looking down

I so wanted to poach Odyssey, but I figured I'd damaged my skis enough.

Woops, bottom of my thumb must have hit the non-northeast sub-forum, feel free to move it Nick.
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