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Gunstock 12-30-2012 - A Day of firsts


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2007
Acton, Massachusetts, United States
Date(s) Skied: December 30,2012
Resort or Ski Area: Gunstock, NH
Conditions: Windy, Packed Powder

Trip Report:
Today was quite an interesting day of firsts. Woke up early to the first significant shovelable (I don't consider the rain logged wetpack from last week as the first!). I shoveled out my driveway at 5am in order to get out on the road by 6am to be the first out on the highway. Driving up to NH from MA, was nothing out of the ordinary, until I crossed over to NH when RT 3/Everett Turnpike. That is when I encountered road conditions worse than in MA, a first also. Finally, I had made it up to Gunstock, and realized that I left my ski pants at home, this was also a first too. I ended up buying new ones since my old ones were pretty tattered. Finally, suited up, I made my way up to the summit, for the first run of the day, which was Trigger. My next few runs would also bring other firsts... First time I skied the trees at Gunstock this year, first time I have ever rode Cannonball from top to bottom, and the first time ever that I got pulled over by Ski Partol. Being a little adventurous I was following some tracks through the trees and it dumped me out on the lower part of a trail closed. The patroller was very cool though and told me to just be more careful next time. All in all a great day on the snow, even though my phone again crapped out on me by lunch! The only complaint I had was the quad kept stopping every trip up to the summit (also a first)...

Pics below:

Ride in:

Top of the Quad:

Riding the Tiger Triple: