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Stratton 11/26/2017


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2016
Western Mass
Stratton 11/26/2017

Conditions: What is the term for “thawed the previous day, then froze solid overnight, with any surface snow scoured off by high winds”

Place was deserted, with zero wait for the gondola or the lifts. However, gondola was running at a snails pace, due to wind I guess. For later runs, did the American Express / Ursa shuffle to get to the top, even if it was more exposed on a cold and windy day (17 F, 3 with wind chill). Never had to share the chairlift seat. Not a fan of the concept of corporate sponsorship of lift name (American Express).

To warm up, took Mikes Way / Meadows down from the summit and it was pretty icy. Tried the “Ursa” pod next as it had most open intermediate/advanced trails, but experienced similar conditions on Black Bear and Polar Bear: The wind had blown most snow off the trails, leaving a chattering hard icy surface. Glad I had my edges sharpened recently. Ski patrol said Franks Fall Line was the same. Stratton conditions webpage somewhat misleadingly reported “a mixed surface of natural snow, groomed corduroy and crispy hard pack.”

To return to base from the Ursa pod, one either has to take the lengthy flat “Runaway” / “Yodeler Express” traverse out of the bottom, or fishbone up to the gondola area from the top of the Ursa chairlift. Neither is much fun.

Wasn’t the greatest day out there, it’s to be expected I guess after a typical New England thaw / freeze cycle, but glad I did not pay for a ticket at the window. Max Pass direct to lift worked perfectly and was very convenient.

The facilities at Stratton are definitely a cut above the other Southern Vermont resorts, the furnishings in the main lodge are nicer, even the big downstairs bathroom is very nice with granite countertops, etc.

When I am at Stratton I like to play the “spot someone in an all white designer ski outfit” game and sure enough in my first gondola ride there was such a person (with fur trim no less). However I failed at the “overhear someone talk about investment banking” game, probably because I didn’t have to share a chairlift ride with anyone...

Also many thanks to the person who found and returned my iPhone!

No line for gondola:

Starting off with an easy run. Is that Magic or Bromley in the distance?
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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2016
Southeast NY /Southern VT
Thats bromley in your second pic. Magic would be way off to the right. You can really only see the Top and west side of magic.

Sounds like good conditions to go skinning/hiking/snoshoeing


Active member
Oct 1, 2008
Good report. Similar conditions Thanksgiving and Friday. Anything with pitch had some scratch. But they had a good amount of terrain open. Opening Mike's Way & Meadow will help spread people out. Glad it was less crowded for you. It was fairly busy Friday with everyone on the main trails they had open.