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Cannon 12/10/16


Jan 26, 2013
Medford MA & Grantham NH

First day out for me. I broke a bone in my hand playing hockey in early October and just got out of the brace on Friday. Since this is was the last weekend my Bold & Beautiful pass would work on a weekend until March I was determined to get up there. Since my hand is still tender I didn't attempt ungroomed anything yesterday (Vista, etc) but hit pretty much everything else. Cold day, I didn't check the temps when I arrived but when I left around 1:00 it said 10 degrees on my car gauge. Cloudy to start but it gradually was clearing as the morning went on.

It was busy but not crowded if that make sense. So the lodge area was busy but no wait for more than a few chairs at most. Cannon has been bragging about its new snowmaking capabilities and I can see why. Great variety and nice coverage for so early in the year. I was solo yesterday so spoke to several people on the lifts and people seem pretty pleased with the early season conditions and the improvements. Folks seemed particularly happy with how much quieter the new guns were operating. Hopefully, the good start they are off to is a sign for a better season for them than last.


Jan 11, 2012
I was at Cannon today,Sunday. Fantastic coverage. The new guns and cold temps are making really nice stuff. Quiet under foot. Everything off the summit was awesome. Paulies opened up with an INSANE amount of blown snow that made for some fun bumps.

I didn't realize how big of an impact this new snowmaking investment would make. As a Cannon regular I'm thrilled.

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Active member
Nov 7, 2012
CS, Colorado
I was at Cannon today,Sunday. Fantastic coverage. The new guns and cold temps are making really nice stuff. Quiet under foot. Everything off the summit was awesome. Paulies opened up with an INSANE amount of blown snow that made for some fun bumps.

I didn't realize how big of an impact this new snowmaking investment would make. As a Cannon regular I'm thrilled.

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I am happy to hear that especially for the Cannon regulars here.

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Staff member
Jun 4, 2004
NEK by Birth
View attachment 21194

First day out for me. I broke a bone in my hand playing hockey in early October and just got out of the brace on Friday. Since this is was the last weekend my Bold & Beautiful pass would work on a weekend until March I was determined to get up there. Since my hand is still tender I didn't attempt ungroomed anything yesterday (Vista, etc) but hit pretty much everything else. Cold day, I didn't check the temps when I arrived but when I left around 1:00 it said 10 degrees on my car gauge. Cloudy to start but it gradually was clearing as the morning went on.

It was busy but not crowded if that make sense. So the lodge area was busy but no wait for more than a few chairs at most. Cannon has been bragging about its new snowmaking capabilities and I can see why. Great variety and nice coverage for so early in the year. I was solo yesterday so spoke to several people on the lifts and people seem pretty pleased with the early season conditions and the improvements. Folks seemed particularly happy with how much quieter the new guns were operating. Hopefully, the good start they are off to is a sign for a better season for them than last.

Nice pic. The cover looks good from that POV.