LP used to be gladed, TW was an open trail. If you look close, there are a few stumps left. A bad Ice storm in the later 90's took out most of the trees. Same over on Emerald City and Eureka.
While it can still be fun, OZ might be the most horrendous trail design f ups in New England skiing history. As I understand it, Les wanted to create a terrain pod with a western bowl type feel. Not a great plan for an area that averages 150" of snow a year.
I'm confused. Did the Oz terrain pod turn out the way it did because of Les Otten's vision, a bad ice storm, or both?
I don't think it's the 150" of snow a year that makes it not a great plan. A handful of Western resorts only get about that much snow a year, including Lake Louise, Marmot Basin, and Sun Valley. The difference is that we have a maritime snowpack here in New England where snow preservation is not great thanks to thaw-freeze and rain not being uncommon. If Sunday River was on the continental divide, 150" would certainly be sufficient for "bowl skiing", with "bowl" in quotes because I've never thought of Oz as resembling a bowl, though now that you mention it I can kind of see it.