New member
Yea, I went back and added something to my prior post after having read some of their research findings from the past few years. They were rather critical of TV et al. and even mentioned that elected officials scored worse than the GP during one year. :roll: That seems to fit as elected officials are elected not for their understanding of civics or history but rather than understanding of voters and a particular party platform. That is the only concern I have.... the founders of the country knew mob rule was not a good idea thus our democracy is representative specifically because human nature and society is such that every citizen will not be an ace at civics, economics, and international relations. I don't think citizens having a better understanding of history or civics would have much effect on the direction of the country, though. It is too much of a chicken versus the egg thing and too systematic throughout history for me to believe otherwise. But I do think we should do better than less than half of the public knowing the three branches of government. Not for the public benefit but rather for the individual's benefit.I don't think they're saying people should know this stuff. I think their real agenda (considering the "Media Highlioghts" of Rush Limbaugh and Fox News) is that college educated folks are elitists who don't know history and are leading the country astray. Of course, I haven't bothered to read their "latest findings," as I believe it will only make me angry, but that's my guess.