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Breckenridge, CO, Breckenridge 3/10/13


New member
Mar 26, 2011
Summit County
Date(s) Skied: 3/10/13

Resort or Ski Area: Breckenridge, CO

Conditions: sunny, powder, packed powder

Trip Report: It snowed all day Saturday and while we got some good turns in at Breckenridge on Saturday the snow kept coming all night long. We woke up the next morning and had planned to either hit the Lake Chutes at Breck or head over to Keystone and take the CAT rides they offer.

Our buddy Cameron who just moved to the Denver area was coming up to ski with us so we had a little bit of a late start which actually turned out to be in our favor. We got to the gondola right around 9:45 and got off at Peak 7 to head straight to the t-bar. We heard them bombing all morning so we knew they were still patrolling and that the Lake Chutes were probably still not open.

Our friend Cameron had a minor incident on the T bar, he caught an edge on his snowboard right near the top and apparently from our friend Phil's story (who was riding with him) held on for a good 300 yards being dragged before he finally gave up. It was a good thing he was close enough to the top, so he could just unstrap and hike the rest of the way. We waited for him for about 10 minutes, let him catch his breath and then continued on riding down to the Imperial Chairlift.

We got on the Imperial Chairlift and could see that the Lake Chutes were still untouched and there was just a few patrollers up top. We got off the Imperial chairlift just as they dropped the rope to allowing people to start hiking up. There was a crowd of about 30 people waiting for this and luckly the lift offloaded us right next to the gate. We got right after it hiking up and it was extremely tough being patient while we had to wait for people that stopped to catch their breath. Eventually we had to pass some people and remind them to get the f#%k off the boot pack while they stopped to rest. We got to the top and there were about 10 people milling around taking pictures and whatnot, I managed to grab a quick one of ski stef and then we hit it.

At this point there was Me, ski stef and our buddy Phil all spread out along the cornice checking out where we wanted to drop in. Phil was the first to drop in and also the furthest one out. He had a nice line but I couldn't really see it from where I was at that point. I dropped in next and it was a bit scratchy on the landing, but it softened up pretty quick. I made a few turns navigating some rocks and stopped to watch ski stef hit it. She came in a little below me and after a few nice hop turns found herself right next to me. I was able to get first tracks down 9 Lives and Stef traversed right to get first tracks down Zoot Chute.

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The goodness didn't end there, once out of the chutes and being the first 3 people down we were able to get fresh knee deep turns above Quandry all the way back to 6 chair. We were stoked on going up again and then got somewhat deflated when we saw what looked like a row of ants hiking up when we got onto the Imperial again. We decided to go for it again anyways although the chutes were already tracked out by now, but we figured we'd give Snow White a look. Once we passed the last chute and got to see what was over the cornice on Snow White we made the right decision for that second hike up. The cornice was about a 6 foot drop into what maybe looked like only 30 people had made lines through it. We all dropped in in different locations and started flying down the mountain.

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short vid of Snow White (no editing!)

may not be safe for work, turn volume down.

All in all, one of the better days on Breck!

ski stef

Staff member
Mar 25, 2011
Breckenridge, Colo.
^ i told him to make the turn so i could get a sweet vid, not spray the eff out of me and stop :smash:

6 chair will take you up to the Imperial lift and it's some really fun terrain. Pretty steep and good tree skiing; it gets nice in the afternoons because it is south facing so it softens up quite a bit ... shhh.. :wink: