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Bretton Woods 2/6/2016


Active member
Nov 7, 2012
CS, Colorado
Bretton Woods

Conditions: PP on Firm

Trip Report:

I have to hand it to Bretton Woods, they did a nice job with their trails by tilling things up so well and having really good conditions. Normally we probably would not have skied there but it was a Ride and Ski event where my wife helped both Ride and Ski and Harpoon. They raised about $1400 for CHaD so my hats off to the BW crowd too.

When we arrived we opted to work our way across skiing various runs and eventually to the outside run Waumbek which is listed as a black but really isn't. We then repeated the pattern in the opposite direction skiing our way back to the lodge for bloody marys. Every trial to this point skied really well. a few if the trails were not groomed to the sides and while there was some new snow 1-2 inches what was underneath was crunchy and the little snow made it ski very well.

After a brief stop we opted to stick to the Rosebrook side and skied off the Summit chair for a bit and then opting for longer runs by combining two lift rides and doing T2B runs. We combined Bodes Run or McIntire's Ride with Deception Bowl or Darby's Drop with whatever in between. Those runs were the most entertaining for BW standards. After lunch, we decided do a few runs between Rosebrook and West Mountain which lead us back to our Rosebrook pattern from earlier in the day. The woods are not very good and we did not expect them to be.

Overall happy with conditions, but after skiing Sugarloaf the weekend before, we were a little disenchanted and more than ever it made us realize that BW is a great place for beginners and intermediates and does not provide any real challenges if you do not have access to the glades. Then again for some on here the glade here do not do much. For us it was a playful day just cruising and making fast turns. Probably the best considering my wife hurting her knee the weekend prior.

Looking pretty good

Stuff to skiers left was ungroomed and skied nice.



Staff member
Jun 4, 2004
NEK by Birth
It is great for low angle stuff. Looks like they have decent cover on their main runs.