Ok, this really, really blows with this incredible weeks we've had. On the 10th, during that ice storm we had, I was careful all the way from leaving from work until getting home. Then, I had a momentary lapse of reason and went to throw a box out and went sailing down my back stairs. I came down hard on a concrete stair corner with my full body weight on my middle back, just missing my spine and cracking a rib or two to the left of my spine. I ended up taking an ambulance ride to the emergency room, but of course, there's nothing that can treat this except time. I missed every day at work last week excpet Thursday, which I was somehow able to drive in for. I was supposed to take Friday off and go to Okemo, and I'm going to miss out on Monday's bonanza somewhere.
Almost a week later, I'm just starting to get some mobility back, but it still hurts bad when I move wrong. Does anyone have an estimate for how long before I'm skiing again from their own experiences? I've broken plenty of ribs, but never in the back, this is incredibly debilitating.:-(
Almost a week later, I'm just starting to get some mobility back, but it still hurts bad when I move wrong. Does anyone have an estimate for how long before I'm skiing again from their own experiences? I've broken plenty of ribs, but never in the back, this is incredibly debilitating.:-(